I’ll watch Kate Beckinsale in anything. In her latest action movie, Jolt, Beckinsale plays Lindy–a woman with extreme impulse control issues. Her weird psychiatrist, Stanley Tucci, designs a bizarre electrical apparatus that Lindy wears under her clothing. When Lindy feels the urge to lash out and punch someone, she presses a button that delivers a jolt of electricity that helps her to regain control.

When Lindy experiences the death of a friend, she goes on a rampage of vengeance. Director Tanya Wexler keeps the acton amped up while mixing in some humor as two cops (Bobby Cannavale and Laverne Cox) try to stop Lindy’s tumultuous spree.

The script by Scott Wascha unleashes a whirlwind of rage with Lindy’s attack on killers of her friend. I’m hoping this is just the first movie in a series. Lindy will stay in your memory for a while thanks to Kate Beckinsale’s brilliant performance! GRADE: B+

26 thoughts on “JOLT [AMAZON PRIME Video]

  1. patti abbott

    Is there any actor I would watch in anything? I will have to think about it. I don’t think so because even actors I admire can be in pretty bad movies. I guess we all have something that brings us to a movie and for me it’s a good reviews or a subject that interests me. Pure action movies rarely interest me. Although I can enjoy a spy or crime movie if its more cerebral than action-oriented. I am a sucker for a good review though. And if it’s high on RT, (above 90%)I will almost surely watch it.

    1. Todd Mason

      There are some actors I enjoy watching enough, and who tend to have good taste in projects (and they often or usually elevate what they work in), that I’ll give just about anything they do a try. Beckinsale isn’t quite in that class for me, but she acquits herself well here.

      1. Todd Mason

        This is a bit like a MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE film with a few fewer twists and and a bit more angst, and not quite as much angst as, say, ATOMIC BLONDE. It definitely feels like a stylish pilot. And the protagonist’s abilities strain credulity within acceptable levels.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, you’re right about the Kate Beckinsale’s abilities straining credulity within acceptable levels. BLACK WIDOW crossed that line for me.

    2. george Post author

      Patti, I can watch Good Actors in Bad Movies. Usually, the Good Actors’ performances are they only thing that makes the movie worth my time!

  2. Michael Padgett

    The made for streaming stuff we get now seems to be a cut above the mostly junky direct-to-video features that were so prevalent in the 80s and 90s, perhaps because there’s so much more good stuff out there now to compete with. This isn’t my cup of tea, but it’s a pretty good bet that it’s at least watchable.

  3. Rick Robinson

    Sounds about as awful as yesterday’s movie choice. At least there are no commercials, which the Olympics broadcast on NBC gives at the rate of 72-75 per hour. (I counted).

  4. Wolf

    I can’t help it – in most of these action movies with “fake heroes” (that’s what we call all those superheroes) I fall asleep after 10 minutes or so, too illogical are the stories, not for me.
    But that’s not a new problem – already 65 years ago I wasn’t interested in Superman etc …

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    OK, we watched it. It was no JOHN WICK, but it certainly kept your attention and Beckinsale (who looked great) certainly seemed to be enjoying herself.

    Question, though: why New York cops in what was clearly London?

    SPOILER ALERT: Jackie was on the ball and called it from the beginning that he wasn’t dead. END SPOILER

    Obviously it was set up for JOLT 2. I’d watch it.


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