Jurassic World (aka, Dinosaurs Go Wild!) is the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park franchise. The first movie is the best, but now with advanced CGI technology, more life-like and scary dinosaurs can be painted on the screen. Bryce Dallas Howard (Ron Howard’s daughter) plays the manager of the dinosaur theme park. Chris Pratt, a raptor expert, warns the Jurassic World administration that their creation of a newly designed dinosaur (“bigger, louder, more teeth”) was a Bad Idea. And, of course, the new Frankenstein-dinosaur escapes and chaos ensues. If you liked the original Jurassic Park movie, you’ll enjoy Jurassic World. There’s plenty of action and it’s a fun Summer popcorn movie. GRADE: B+
Should have taken Kevin to that instead of TOMORROWLAND, which he couldn’t follow. But maybe too scary for an eight year old.
Patti, there’s a boy actor in JURASSIC WORLD about Kevin’s age. The movie isn’t very scary, but it can be intense. TOMORROWLAND was a big disappointment.
I’m sure we’ll see this, in time. But no real hurry.
Jeff, if you’ve seen the trailer for JURASSIC WORLD, you’ve pretty much seen the Cliff Notes version of the movie.
I had thought of going to see it on the big screen – a rare event – but the reviews have been terrible, so I may wait until it’s available on Netflix.
Rick, JURASSIC WORLD follows the template of JURASSIC PARK. If you liked the original movie, you’ll enjoy the updated version.