Screenwriters Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez with cast of voice actors capture the fun and excitement of the original Star Wars movie. Spread out across 4 entertaining episodes, Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy manages to stay within the confines of a compelling story, exploring a conflict between brothers Sig and Dev Greebling (voiced by The Grand Budapest Hotel’s Tony Revolori) who becomes Darth Devastator as a result of the Cornerstone–a powerful artifact that remixes the entire Star Wars Galaxy!
If you’re looking for a fun, exciting, and clever animated series, checkout Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy! GRADE: B+
I suspect we won’t see a Lego sex-worker’s memoir production any time soon, at least not one that’s authorized. Perhaps if the film-makers used 1970s PlaySkool imitation Lego bricks (my sister’s first set).
Or, as it turns out, PlaySkool’s purchase of Halsam Elgo bricks, which preceded Lego, from the initial producers: https://www.madeinchicagomuseum.com/single-post/halsam-products-co/
Todd, LEGO is becoming more environmentally friendly by making their bricks biodegradable.
Todd, Patrick loved LEGOs and has sets to build even today. I’ve enjoyed all the LEGO movies and this new series is both funny and clever!
My wife, the astronomy buff, bought Lego’s Women of NASA set a few years ago. Our grandson is a Lego wizard and assembled a Dallas Cowboys football helmet from a Lego kit. I’m still trying to master Lincoln Logs!
Fred, I had a Lincoln Logs set as a kid but it wasn’t a favorite toy. However, Patrick took to LEGOs at an early age and is still fan. While I don’t play with LEGOs, I enjoy the LEGO movies and TV series!