MACHINE VENDETTA By Alastair Reynolds

Alastair Reynolds’s new Machine Vendetta (2024) is the third book in the Prefect Tom Dreyfus series. The previous books are Aurora Rising (aka, The Prefect) (2007) and Elysium Fire  (2018). The setting is a series of habitats called the Glitter Band orbiting the planet Yellowstone. Dreyfus and his colleagues in the Panoply–a small police force who protects the 10,000 orbiting habitats (about 100 million quirky residents)–face two major threats. The first involves two rogue Artificial Intelligences: Aurora and The Clockmaker. The two AIs battle on the Panoply networks but remain at a stalemate. Yet, Dreyfus senses a change in the power dynamic that could doom the Glitter Band.

The second threat emerges when one of Panoply’s Prefects, Ingvar Tench, somehow lands on a restricted habitat where danger awaits her. How could an experienced Prefect make such a fatal mistake? Dreyfus suspects Panoply has been compromised and a mole is insidiously killing Prefects who venture too close to a Secret project.

If you’re a fan of Space Opera, you’re well aware of Alastair Reynolds and his long career of writing exciting space adventures. I’ve enjoyed these Prefect Tom Dreyfus novels because they blend mysteries with Science Fiction. If that blend appeals to you, check out these books. GRADE: A

6 thoughts on “MACHINE VENDETTA By Alastair Reynolds

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, the idea of policing 100 million people who want to be independent and quirky in their space habitats goes way beyond challenging. Throw in 2 feuding AIs and things really come to a boil…fast!

  1. Wolf

    Don’t remember any details – but I got in London two signed hardcovers of his books:
    Revelation Space and Redemtion Ark


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