MCU: THE REIGN OF MARVEL STUDIOS By Joanna Robinson, David Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards

There are 33 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) owned by Disney. But, in a recent interview, Bob Iger–the CEO of Disney–stated that going forward there will be fewer movies, but the quality will increase. Given the flop of the latest MCU movie, The Marvels, this sounds like a sound strategy. The Marvels cost $220 million to make but only took in $47 million during its opening weekend–marking the worst domestic weekend debut in MARVEL franchise history.

The other concern for Disney revolves around the unsettling prospect of “Super Hero Fatigue.” Are audiences abandoning MARVEL movies the way they abandoned Westerns and Rom-coms?

Joanna Robinson, David Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards provide a detailed history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe from its start to it current state. To make these Special Effects movies costs a lot of money. If audiences don’t respond, Disney is looking at huge losses. Are you a fan of MCU? Do you have a favorite Super Hero movie? GRADE: A


MCU Timeline x

Prologue: Origin Story 1

Chapter 1 Phoenix Saga 13

Chapter 2 Gifted Youngsters 27

Chapter 3 Once Upon a Time in Mar-a-Lago 43

Chapter 4 Plausibility 57

Chapter 5 Proof of Concept 73

Chapter 6 Post-Credits Scene 86

Chapter 7 Extraordinary Levels of Toxicity 96

Chapter 8 Some Assembly Required 111

Chapter 9 Demon in a Bottle 122

Chapter 10 No Strings on Me 136

Chapter 11 Our Brand Is Chrises 147

Chapter 12 The Runaways 164

Chapter 13 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes 175

Chapter 14 House of M 191

Chapter 15 The Forbidden City 202

Chapter 16 Remote Control 215

Chapter 17 On Your Left 229

Chapter 18 We Are Groot 241

Chapter 19 Where’s Natasha? 253

Chapter 20 Marvel Studios vs. The Committee 262

Chapter 21 Wright Man, Wrong Time 278

Chapter 22 Tangled Web 293

Chapter 23 Long Live the King 309

Chapter 24 Higher, Further, Faster 322

Chapter 25 Snap 336

Chapter 26 A Year without Marvel 357

Chapter 27 Department of Yes 370

Chapter 28 K.E.V.I.N. 385

Chapter 29 The Clone Saga 395

Chapter 30 Into the Multiverse 406

Epilogue: How Much We Have Left 427

Acknowledgments 431

Notes 433

Index 481

10 thoughts on “MCU: THE REIGN OF MARVEL STUDIOS By Joanna Robinson, David Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I’m a fan of IRON MAN movies (and comics), too. Robert Downey Jr. played Tony Stark the way I’d always imagined him: brilliant and reckless!

    1. george Post author

      Todd, thanks for the link! I’m a huge fan of Patton Oswalt! All big corporations play financial games. Disney just acquired HULU and I’m dubious about that move which seems like a tax-write off.

      1. Todd Mason

        Yes, corporations do, but, for example, Paramount Global running a season each of LET THE RIGHT ONE IN and AMERICAN GIGOLO series, both impressive and better than the films that inspired them, and then vanishing the projects forever is more annoying than most minor bad decisions to discontinue (Wegman’s giving up on their store-brand sodas, for example).

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