I’m always eager to try new coffee flavors. Last week I was running errands which included a stop at our local Sam’s Club. Just inside the door, there was a pallet of Member’s Mark Winter Variety Pack Coffee so I bought it. Now, after drinking all of the flavors–Salted Caramel Bourbon, Maple Pecan, Cinnamon Roasted Almond, and Butter Toffee–I can recommend these K-cups without reservation.

Before I get into the flavors, I want to point out this box of 60 K-cups only cost $14.98. Starbucks boxes of K-cups cost double this price. Of the four flavors in this box of coffee, I preferred the Cinnamon Roasted Almond. I’m a fan of cinnamon, I love almonds, and the medium roast is just right. Also good is the Maple Pecan. Love maple, love pecans! The Salted Caramel Bourbon was just okay. I’m not a fan of the Butter Toffee, but it was drinkable.

If you’re in the mood to try some different flavors of coffee, you might consider the Member’s Mark Winter Variety Pack Coffee. But, don’t delay: this is a Limited Time Offering. GRADE: B


  1. Todd Mason

    No K-cup taking device at home. Did have them at TV GUIDE.

    Stok brand bottled coffee is our default, the dark unflavored brew…though for economy reasons and because too much caffeine is problematic for me, I tend to go for one part coffee, two parts vanilla almond “milk”…does sound like a bargain. as such things go.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, I used K-cups when I have some errands to run or a doctors appointment in the morning (it’s a limit on liquid). I use my Cuisinart® 14 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker when I have the time to drink 8 cups of coffee and enjoy them.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Yuk. In years gone by, Jackie did like flavored coffees – Hawaiian coconut, etc. I prefer my coffee straight. No Keurig here, though we do have one in the place we rent in Florida. If I had to try one of these it would definitely be the Cinnamon Roasted Almond too. No toffee, no Bourbon, no maple. Glad you liked them.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I just like variety from time to time. My go-to coffee is Starbucks Blonde Veranda. I drink that 80% of the time. But, I’ll experiment with other flavors if they interest me.

  3. Fred Blosser

    I’d try all four given the chance. I’d have to rely on someone else’s Keurig. We don’t own one. I prefer flavoured coffees with half-and-half and sweetener, rather than taken straight. My coffee addiction is an unending source of amusement for our grandson.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, my son didn’t drink coffee until he started working for GOOGLE. All those long hours and all that free coffee (and food!) changed his Life.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, after years of getting up early to teach 8 A.M. classes, I got in the habit of drinking a lot of coffee to wake me up and energize my lectures. When I retired, my doctor suggested I reduce the amount of coffee I drink so I went from 10 cups to 8.

  4. tracybham

    I gave up coffee so long ago I don’t even remember when it was. It made me too jittery. But I tons of tea with caffeine in it. Don’t know why coffee affects me that way and tea doesn’t. Flavored coffees sound really good.

    1. george Post author

      Tracy, caffeine really doesn’t affect me much. I usually stop drinking coffee around noon and stay off of it for the rest of the day. I do drink a lot of water.

      1. Todd Mason

        I am fairly inured to coffee, even the monstrous stuff, since my office work days, but unfortunately the dehydrating effect is rather telling in my later middle age, so some measure of restraint is wiser.I drink enough beverages as it is. (At least my best friend at TVG was actually alarmed by how much coffee I could and did take in in a typical 12-hour workday. All the payroll and light accountancy work at a Borders coupla years before also drove some borderline abuse.)

    2. Todd Mason

      Most coffee as it is brewed has quite a bit more caffeine than most if not all tea. (Maybe some canned “ENERGY!” teas might go past coffee.) And I wonder if the oils and such in coffee might not affect metabolizing the caf rather differently than the rather thinner tea brews.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    My parents drank their coffee black, no sugar, so I learned to drink it the same way. I still do, mostly, except if you have ridiculously strong coffee like Starbucks.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, same here. I prefer my coffee black with no additives like Coffee-Mate or sweeteners. And, I prefer blonde coffee, not the bitter stuff.


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