The Bills are coming off a bye and still reeling from the debacle in London. Miama fired their Head Coach and now looks a little more dangerous. This game could go either way today although the Bills are 3-point favorites. How will your favorite NFL team do today?


  1. Cap'n Bob

    You left out your text. Anyway, the Seahawks have a bye week so that’s one load off my mind. I hope the Stealers and Geldings lose and the Bills win.

    1. george Post author

      Bob, I appreciate you good vibe about the Bills winning today. The Bills have to play the Jets on Thursday Night Football this week so the whole season might be determined in these five days!

  2. Deb

    Yeah–I was wondering if it was just me, but I’m not seeing any text accompanying your picture above.

    Anyway, after an abysmal start, the Saints have clawed their way back to 4-4, which has visions of Wild Card playoff hopes dancing in Who-Dat Nation’s heads. Today in the Superdome, the Saints take on the 1-6 Titans. The Saints should be able to win this game–IF their defense shows up!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, just a little WordPress hiccup. The text should be up now. The Titans fired their Head Coach this week so who knows how they’ll play against the Saints. I think you’ve got this game in the bag.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    The Giants get self-mutilated Jason Pierre-Paul back today in Tampa Bay, a game they absolutely have to win after last week’s close call but ultimate loss in the Super [Touchdown] dome and next week’s sure loss to the Patriots. Frankly, I don’t think the Giants are getting it done even in this weak division but they are still in first place (amazingly) and could make the playoffs.

    Of course, when you look at the good teams the Giants don’t compare.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I have the same feelings about the Bills. They are mediocre at best. Tampa Bay seems to be improving so the Giants better score early and often.

  4. Richard R.

    Seattle is off this week, as Bob already said. I think maybe Miami will win, but it seems mostly a toss-up. We get the Giants game again today, there must be someone from New York living here in the broadcast decision group, this i the 5th or 6th week in a row we have gotten a Giants game. I think there are better games on. The good one will be Packers-Panthers. If it doesn’t rain, I have yard work to do.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, that 33-17 win over the Dolphins was much needed! But, no time to savor the win. The Bills play the Jets on Thursday Night Football.

  5. maggie mason

    The chargers play tonight against the bears and whiny baby jay cutler. our paper had a bit about rivers and cutler exchanging words in the past. One of my cousins said on facebook that at least cutler has a pretty wife. I responded that River’s wife is a real woman, but I’ve never seen her, she may be very pretty.

    Was sorry to see the packers lose, thrilled to see the broncos lose. I’m rooting for the Bills for you, George. Also rooting for the saints. When/if the chargers leave SD, the Pack will be my team (as if they aren’t already)


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