22 thoughts on “MOURNING IN AMERICA

    1. george Post author

      Dan, I was impressed with the messages in MOURNING IN AMERICA. I hope it resonates with a lot of independent voters who will deside the November Election.

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Yeah, and I loved the play off Reagan’s “Morning in America” ad.

    Not only is he planning to “reopen” the country and “get back to work,” but they are talking about shutting down the Coronavirus Task Force! WTF? He and Pence think “their job is done” while his own people are estimating the death toll will DOUBLE by June? Again, WTF?

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, the Trump Administration and the Coronavirus Task Force are completely clueless about the pandemic. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

  2. Michael Padgett

    Great ad, and it apparently caused Trump to have a hissy fit and to stay up most of the night tweeting. Rick Wilson, one of the creators of the ad, was on MSNBC yesterday and said there are even nastier ads on the way.

  3. Deb

    Sadly, the people who need to see and understand this the most will either (1) not see it or (2) already have had their minds made up by Fox News and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber that this is a smear campaign and that “really, nobody could have done more or worked harder…and it’s all Obama’s fault anyway…and….and….Benghazi!.” To paraphrase Johnathan Swift: “You will never reason a man out of something he wasn’t reasoned into in the first place.” For Trumpsters, reason left the building a loooong time ago.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, you are so right! Trumpsters seem to be immune to reason. This ad is aimed at independent voters who will determine the outcome of the Presidential Election in November.

  4. Jerry House

    Love the ad, but I’m part of the choir it is preaching to. As the economy tanks into a depression and as the second wave hits in the Fall, a few of the Trumpsters Deb mentions may begin to change their minds. Add to that the additional deaths that are bound to come by the jamooks who are crowding together to protest quarantines there is a chance Trump and Moscow Mitch will not be reelected. If that happens, the Democrats will have a Herculean task facing them.

    Sadly. we’ve gotten to a point where even the most bizarre events seem normal. I would not be surprised if Trump named murder hornets to key Cabinet posts and managed to get Joe Exotic appointed to the federal court. **sigh**

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, we live in bizarre times. No matter who wins the Election in November, the wreckage of the coronavirus–both in deaths and economic damage–will weigh mightily on all of us. We’re all in this together.

  5. Deb

    I don’t know who said it, but I read this recently and it’s oh-so-true: To be a swing voter in the upcoming election is to be a diner who goes to a restaurant that only has two items on the menu—chicken or sh*t full of jagged pieces of broken glass—and still asks, “Well, how is the chicken prepared?”

  6. Michael Padgett

    Love it, Deb. Hadn’t heard that one. Trump’s lone talent is that he’s more adept at appealing to really stupid people than anyone we’ve seen in American politics before. And there’s never a shortage of really stupid people.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, decades of TV watching produced the Trump Presidency. Yes, some people are stupid, but many many more are just ill-informed and ignorant. Our crumbling educational structure has a lot to do with that situation.

  7. Rick Robinson

    Hadn’t seen this before. Powerful, but as already said, probably won’t matter to those who need to switch their party allegiance. every day, things look darker. The food shortages are scary.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, hopefully the Truth of our crisis will make a difference on Election Day. But the hackers from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc. will be doing all in their power to disrupt the voting process.

  8. maggie mason

    I look forward to more like this. It needs to be hard hitting to TRY to get thru to the trumpanzees who don’t have a clue how much 99% of the country is being hurt by their idol.

    I have a cousin who is as rabid for the POS in the WH as I am against him. The new claim is that any death is now listed as virus related to make him look bad.

    I hope the IDIOTS who refused to vote for Hilary are ashamed of themselves now and have the decency to put country above personal pettiness. I’m not a fan of Hilary, but I could see what a mistake not voting for her would be. Now there is a meme addressing all the reasons not to vote for biden (bernie bros, etc). Warning of the outcome (just like we’re living now)

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, back in 2016 Peggy Noonan wrote a WALL STREET JOURNAL column saying the Election back then was “between a criminal and a madman.” Prophetic words…

  9. Fred Blosser

    George, I don’t have any more use for Peggy Noonan than I do for Rick Wilson or any of the other flacks for the “establishmentarian” GOP. As my friends here and elsewhere have noted, Trump didn’t materialize out of thin air. He was the logical result of fifty years of GOP “win at all costs” tactics and at least forty years of Republicans cozying up to far-right nut jobs, demolishing public trust in the institutions of Constitutional government, and sounding the dog whistle of racist innuendo, from Reagan’s mythic “Welfare queen” to Lee Atwater’s campaign strategy for Bush Senior to the rise of the “Tea Party” and last year’s outcomes in the Georgia and Florida governor’s races. Not to give a pass to today’s Democratic Party, which seems unable or unwilling to counter the march of the lemmings in any meaningful way.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, both political parties are broken. Money rules politics and we all know money corrupts. I confess that I’m not sure anyone knows how to fix our political system at this point. But, the coronavirus and its impacts both on health and the Economy will force change on all of us.


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