MRS. DAVIS [Peacock]

If you’re in the mood for something completely different, you might want to catch an episode of Mrs. Davis on Peacock. Imagine blending The Flying Nun with James Bond!  Damon Lindelof and Tara Hernandez’s 8-episode series MrsDavis, starring Betty Gilpin as an action-hero nun, is the rare TV series that feels confusing at first but makes sense as the twisty plot untangles with plenty of surprises.

Betty Gilpin (aka, Lizzie) is now Sister Simone. We first meet Simone as she rides into a situation on a white horse! We soon learn the world is now run by an Artificial Intelligence called Mrs. Davis who Simone wants to kill because she blames Mrs. Davis for her father’s death.

What chance has a nun with few resources have against an all-powerful AI? A better chance than you think. Four of the eight episodes are available now. I’m intrigued by the innovative aspects of Mrs. Davis. GRADE: INCOMPLETE but trending towards a B+

10 thoughts on “MRS. DAVIS [Peacock]

  1. Michael+Padgett

    This is getting such great reviews I can’t wait to get to it, and I will. It’s just a matter of when. Like Steve, I’ve got to finish FROM, which finally(!!) has its second season out there just as I was about to give up on it. Between seasons its cable home seems to have changed from EPIX to MGM+, and who knows what that means. Also on the agenda, Amazon is starting a (probably unnecessary) remake of David Cronenberg’s great DEAD RINGERS. My TBW stack is beginning to resemble my TBR stack.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, I’m going to give THE DIPLOMAT on Netflix a try this weekend. It got a strong review in the WALL STREET JOURNAL. I think you’ll enjoy MRS. DAVIS if you give it a few episodes for all the wild and wacky action to clarify.

  2. Jeff+Meyerson

    Sounds good and I like Gilpin, but…no Peacock here. Too many other channels – though not nearly as many as the Kelleys.

    Yes to THE DIPLOMAT, by the way. Rufus Sewell steals every scene he’s in (most of them). Lots of fun so far (two episodes). We’re also watching the final series of THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL, with Tony Shalhoub the scene-stealer here. And Saturday night is Brit Night here.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I’m encouraged by your comments on THE DIPLOMAT. Diane and I have a busy weekend, but I’m hoping to watch a couple episodes. Thank you again for sending the books. I’ll put them near the top of my Read Real Soon stack!

  3. Patti Abbott

    Looking forward to this. Watched the first ep of THE DIPLOMAT and Jeff is right, Sewall steals every scene. I think Russell is struggling to find the right tone. Difficult role.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, glad to hear you like THE DIPLOMAT along with Jeff. It’s at the top of my WATCH LIST this weekend although Diane’s scheduled a lot of events for the next few days.

  4. wolfi7777

    Strange story.
    A nun wants to kill someone/something?
    Not for me – if there’s any kind of religion involved …


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