It’s been over five or six years since Diane and I have had a cold or flu. So when Covid-19 gave us sore throats and persistent coughs, we didn’t have anything in our medicine chest to take. Diane’s doctor recommended Mucinex. I’ve seen a hundred Mucinex commercials over the years but hadn’t had a need for it. But now Diane and I needed something that would control our coughing, relieve our chest congestion, and loosen our mucus.

I bought a bottle of Mucinex DM Max and Diane and I took it immediately. Mucinex DM Max has a flavorful cherry taste. But, better than that, it goes to work right away. Both Diane and I stopped coughing after just one dose. Diane had two really bad nights because of her constant coughing, but Mucinex DM Max dispelled that problem.

I’ve been disappointed in medications over the past few years that promise relief and deliver…not much other than empty promises. It was great to take Muscinex DM Max and see it work right away giving us some relief from our Covid-19 symptoms. Have you used Muscinex?

13 thoughts on “MUCINEX DM MAX

    1. george Post author

      Bob, just watch for the cartoon character in the Mucinex commercial, Mr. Mucus. Mr. Mucus, also known simply by his surname, Mucus, is the mascot of the Mucinex brand of decongestion medicines and the main antagonist of the brand’s commercials. He wanted a place to call home out of the insides of his human hosts, but he is quickly evicted with the proper dose of Mucinex.

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Yeah, the ads are gross. Jackie buys a generic Mucinex in pill form, but I hate the taste of the creepy blue pills. The liquid is better.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane and I like the cherry flavor of Mucinex DM Max. Diane doesn’t like to take pills and will always opt for a liquid.

  2. Byron

    Glad to read you are getting a grip on COVID. A hacking cough can be a horrible thing to deal with. I haven’t used Mucinex in a bottle but I used the pills years ago when my asthma was bad and it did help loosen the phlegm in my chest. I also found drinking ice water throughout the day offered some mild relief and, contrary to popular belief, there’s no relation between ice cream and mucus so feel free to indulge yourselves and hang in there.

    1. george Post author

      Byron, glad Mucinex helped you, too. I’m drinking plenty of fluids. But I have ZERO appetite. I managed to eat a slice of toast for breakfast. I’ll try a banana for lunch. I have some vegetable fried rice waiting in the fridge for dinner.

  3. Patricia Abbott

    Those blue pills are creepy tasting. But it seems like a decent product. Haven’t tried the cough medicine. Did you have to sign for it because of the Decongestant?

    1. Todd Mason

      Alice had to do the same to buy DayQuil for me yesterday…I have to wonder what street use there is for DayQuil. And how a middle-aged person not proffering ID, if they don’t, stops crime. I could kinda sorta see it if one was buying bottles by the gross.


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