During the Holiday Season, I like to enjoy eggnog. I’ve tried over a dozen different brands of eggnog over the years–both non-alcoholic and alcoholic–and currently my favorite eggnog is Southern Comfort Traditional Non-Alcoholic Eggnog. It has a rich, creamy flavor. If you’re a fan of eggnog, you’ll love this!
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Almost as good as Southern Comfort Traditional Non-Alcoholic Eggnog is Turkey Hill Eggnog. And, as a bonus, Turkey Hill also sells Turkey Hill Eggnog Ice Cream during the Holiday Season! Yummy!
I’m also fond of Hood’s Golden Eggnog which tastes like melted ice cream: thick and rich. You can’t go wrong with any of these three wonderful eggnogs! Do you like eggnog? What’s your favorite?
While being not strictly teetotal, I would rather my eggnog be alcohol-free. (I just don’t care for the the taste of liquor, much oreferring beer.) As for eggnog, I’ll drink it any brand, any time, and be all the happier for it.
BTW, the Christmas elves drop off a package for me yesterday. Much obliged.
Jerry, I figured you for another eggnog fan! Glad your CHRISTMAS BOX arrived safely. I’m anticipating your INCOMING comments about all your Holiday goodies!
All the more enticing because it’s only available from Thanksgiving to New Years!
Dan, my mother used to make eggnog all year round. But, you’re right: Thanksgiving to New Years is Eggnog Season!
All I can say about eggnog is, yuck!
Jeff, I have several friends who consider eggnog a drink of the Devil!
Not a huge fan. I’d rather drink Bailey’s over crushed ice (a favorite this time of year). Many years ago, John and I made egg nog from scratch for a party: massive quantities of bourbon, cream, sugar, and eggs (this must have been before the concern about consuming raw eggs was on the cultural radar—although I imagine the amount of alcohol in our recipe would have effectively destroyed even the hardiest microbe). The final product was fine—people certainly drank it—but I never felt the urge to make it again. Borden’s is fine by me.
Deb, “massive quantities of bourbon, cream, sugar, and eggs” is the perfect recipe for eggnog!
Out here near Detroit we have the family owned Calder Dairy that sells its products in old fashioned glass bottles and still makes home deliveries. They make the richest eggnog I’ve ever tasted. It has the thickness of maple syrup which means it’s begging to be diluted with rum. It runs about $13.00 for a quart and is worth every penny and is so rich that one quart a year is as much as I can drink.
Byron, we also have a local diary who makes eggnog from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve. Excellent eggnog but purely a local product for a limited time span.
Haven’t had it in years. Phil used to enjoy it but don’t know his recipe.
Patti, did Phil like bourbon or rum in his eggnog?
It is just not a Jewish thing. Never had it growing up, and the few times I’ve tasted it, well, not for me. I’m with Deb on the Bailey’s. We got a couple of duty free bottles really cheap in Ireland, but unfortunately, my grandmother and great aunts pretty much drank it all. (This was 1981.)
Jeff, I gift my brother a bottle of Bailey’s every Christmas. It’s his favorite.
Never had it and never will! It may be a veritable nectar, but I made up my mind the first time I saw it that its only purpose is as an emetic!
Bob, I wouldn’t go so far as to pronounce eggnog as “a veritable nectar” but it is a tasty Holliday beverage for millions of discerning people.
I’ve had a decent sugarless eggnog once, but not for at least a decade. A sugarless egg cream, I’ll take. I should Go look at the sequence of naming there…since the latter has no egg…to egg us on.
Todd, I have yet to taste a sugar-less ice cream that tastes good to me.
I make do. Most common indulgence is Klondike NSA Crunch chocolate-coated vanilla ice cream bars; Enlightened’s are slightly better but more expensive and I like the lack of wooden stick in the Klondikes (which I want to call Eskimo Pies from childhood indoctrination). Breyers NSA flavors of ice cream not-really-half gallons also on rare occasion.
Todd, I ate my share of “Eskimo Pies” when I was a kid.