The Buffalo Bills eked out a 32-29 victory over the pesky Miami Dolphins in a frigid game with late snow. You’ll see some wild highlights of the Bills making snow angels! How will your favorite NFL team preform today?
The Buffalo Bills eked out a 32-29 victory over the pesky Miami Dolphins in a frigid game with late snow. You’ll see some wild highlights of the Bills making snow angels! How will your favorite NFL team preform today?
Detroit plays the Jets today. The Lions have been playing very good football lately. Usually they are out of the running by mid October, but there is even talk about the playoffs.
Steve, I’m rooting for the Lions to beat the Jets today!
The 4-9 Saints host the 5-8 Falcons in a race to the bottom of the NFC South which the Saints are “winning” right now—alas, the only sort of winning they’re doing these days. I think at this point even the most ardent member of the Black-and-Gold Nation is just waiting for the end of the season to put us all out of our collective misery.
/Totally o/t, but after a stretch of unseasonably warm weather (even in December, we’ve had to run the a/c), we’re getting a true blast of cold next week. Temps in the teens & twenties—which is obviously not Buffalo-level cold, but enough for those of us south of the Mason-Dixon Line to keep water running all night to stop the pipes from freezing. There was even hopes of snow flurries on Christmas Day, but now the December 25 forecast is for clear, cold weather.
Deb, the weather-guessers here are predicting a White Christmas for us. We have five inches of fresh snow on the ground this morning. Snow is in the forecast every day this week! Hope you and John don’t have freezing pipes! That happened to my brother a couple winters ago and it was a nightmare!
I wish the Ravens were playing today. They certainly didn’t yesterday.
Jeff, I was hoping the Ravens and the Bills would meet in the Playoffs. But the suddenly surging Cleveland Browns (and the injured Lamar Jackson) change the situation!
This morning I saw the Bills fan throwing snowballs and getting threatened with a possible penalty on the Bills if they didn’t stop. Shades of Philadelphia fans attacking Santa! I went to bed with the Bills still behind, so was glad to see they pulled it out. And the Vikings games was crazy.
The Giants have an absolute MUST WIN game in Washington tonight to keep their slim playoff hopes alive, but I still don’t think they will hold on to the last playoff spot in the end. They should beat Washington, but then they should have beaten them two weeks ago and could only manage a tie.
With the Jets having to change quarterbacks, the Lions should have a better chance.
Jeff, every time the Bills have a home game in the snow, the drunks start throwing snowballs. They should be ejected from the game and banned for Life from the Bills stadium. It’s a safety issue. I’ll be rooting for the Giants, but things look grim.
Just leave a tap dripping water. That has worked for us.
Patti, the dripping water technique only works if the temperatures are above ZERO. If things get real cold, only heating the pipes works.
We won’t be below zero, but I think at least one night we’re going to be in the mid-teens.
My bf brought over a tomato plant for me and a poinsettia. It was sooo cold that i brought the poinsettia in the house and covered the tomatoes. Luckily no snow, though last week one of our suburbs had ground covering.
I looked at the stats for the nfl and was surprised to see 2 divisions, both south as I recall, with losing seasons so far. That didn’t count whatever happened thursday on. amazing that a team with a losing season might get in the playoffs.
Maggie, with so many Playoff teams now, almost anyone can get in.
It’s been a while since we have had below zero temps. But you never know. I doubt Deb will see them in LA.
I was very disappointed by this game. I wanted to see four quarters played in thick, blowing snow. LOL.
Carl, the weather-guessers predicted snow…but it took it’s time arriving until the Fourth Quarter. But, a little snow magic was just what the Bills needed to freeze the Dolphins!