It’s been nearly two months since my last haircut. All the barber shops and beauty parlors and spas are closed here and not likely to open soon.

Diane trimmed my bushy sideburns a couple weeks ago, but couldn’t really address the hair growing on my head. Her scissors just pinched too much with my long hair.

So we ordered the Panasonic trimmer. It includes several attachments which should do the job. We’re busy reading the instructions now and we might watch some YouTube videos to help us with the haircutting process. How are you and your hair getting along during this pandemic?


  1. Michael Padgett

    I don’t have much, but what I have is way the hell too long and it’s beginning to get on my nerves. Barber shops are open around here, or at least they are allowed to be, but I just haven’t yet worked up the nerve to visit one.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, Mark Cuban took on the role of a “Secret Shopper” and checked out businesses in Dallas to see if they were following social distancing and Personal Protective Equipment rules. Cuban reported that 95% of the businesses that just opened were NOT following the rules. So…sit tight.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Fortunately for me, Jackie has been cutting my hair for decades, ever since she bought a hair cutting instruction book and a big pair of scissors. Every month or so she gives me a trim. She, on the other hand, is getting antsy about her hair. She had it cut the day after we came back from Florida, so it isn’t too bad, and I helped her dye it (as I also did in Florida), but I know she wants to get back to her hairdresser for more professional treatment. In New York, who knows when that may happen.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane feels the same way about her hair as Jackie does. According to Andrew Cuomo’s reopening plan, barber shops and hairdresser salons, and spas will open in Phase 3…which looks like July.

  3. Patti Abbott

    Very sad. I ordered headbands to help but they turned out to be for kids or at least too small for my head. I think they will open in early June here.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, June is just around the corner. New York State’s barber shops and hair salons look to reopen in July. Right now, Diane is wearing a hat when she goes out.

  4. Steve Oerkfitz

    I’m bald so it’s not a problems. I just use some clippers to remove what’s still there and to trim my beard.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, I considered shaving my head because this coronavirus pandemic will last a year or more. But, Diane stepped up and volunteered to learn how to cut my hear. I offered to return the favor…but Diane decided to wait until her hairdresser opens up a couple months from now.

  5. wolf

    We were really lucky – immediately when we moved here one of our friendly neighbours told us a lady would come to his house to trim everybody’s hair, including some other neighbours and asked whether we were interested, of course we said yes!
    My wife had decided to stop lightening her hair, grey hair on her also looks nice and she has some natural curls …
    my hair is really long, I have it cut every few months so no problem, could let it grow for another year.
    For the bears I use a machine like yours, that’s not too much work. However I do this outside, besides our shed where I put up a mirror.
    If you want to get an idea how my hair and beard look, compare it to my wife’s favourite musician Eric Clapton: I liked to the Hungarian wiki because the picture there shows him like me – and it was taken at a Munich open air concert with Steve Winwood (my favourite) which my wife and I visited! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    maybe there’s a deeper connection there?
    I’ve had this hairstyle for over 50 years now and you can imagine that at first some people in the IT business looked a bit perplexed when they saw me the first time. It was especially interesting on my visits to USA, IBM facilities but also customers like Chase Manhattan and the Wrld Bank.
    Of course when I started discussion with them and questioning about their systems they looked happy because I was the one in our team that could really hold a conversation in English – that’s why the bank’s IT managers had asked me to accompany them …

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Good look, Wolf. When I had hair I wore it like that, but to be honest I like it short. Much easier to take care of.

    2. george Post author

      Wolf, you have the ideal situation! I love your Eric Clapton comparison! Should we start calling you “Slowhand”?

      1. wolf

        Thanks everybody for the compliments!
        So it’s not only my wife who loves long hair. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
        Re the beard:
        What I like about those machines like Gorge’s is that you just regulate the length you want and off you go!
        Even for some guy “with two left hands” like me it’s easy – and no danger of cutting yourself.
        here in Europe hairdressers will open soon, but I’ll wait.

  6. Fred Blosser

    Used to get a haircut every four weeks, dialed back to every six when I retired in ’17, and it’s now been eight (going on nine) weeks since my last, just before the shutdown. Some salons and barber shops opened in Austin last week, but I’ll take a pass for the time being. Cases are still being reported here, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a bigger rise soon, given all the people who crowded the local parks without masks over the weekend.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, I agree with your “Wait-and-See” strategy. As Mark Cuban and his Secret Shoppers learned in Dallas, only 5% of reopened businesses are following the rules of social distancing and mask usage. This is typical when new routines and rules are imposed. It will take a couple of weeks before those business adjust and adapt.

  7. maggie mason

    I stopped coloring my hair years ago, so that part is almost ok (I want to go totally grey as there is just enough brown left to look mousy brown in pix. I have something an actor playing an elderly man told me about, but I didn’t have it last time I got my haircut – mid march. It’s a temp cream and he said it doesn’t get on bed linens.

    I should get a cut this month, but they haven’t opened so will wait. I just hope she opens, it’s a 1 woman shop. Hopefully she won’t go under. I will pay her double next time I go. (Got a cut mid march)

    Pedicures – that’s another thing. I usually get one a month and the last one was mid march. I get a mani pedi once a month. I can do my own fingernails, but that’s it. I have a stock of polish, as I do touch ups but have just been letting my nails breath. I paid her for april, and will do it again, hopefully they will stay open.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Diane usually goes to her hairstylist once a month. Of course, with the coronavirus, all the hair solons around here are closed. So, when Diane’s usual hair appointment showed up on her calendar, Diane wrote a check for the cost of her regular haircut/dye job and mailed it to her hairstylist. A few days later, I answered the phone and heard a woman crying. “Could I please speak with Diane?” the woman sobbed. It was Rita, Diane’s hairstylist. She told Diane she and her husband were both out of work and worried about paying their bills. Rita thanked Diane. And, a couple days ago, Diane mailed Rita another check. Diane intends on doing this until Rita reopens.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, the hair on my head is the longest since I was in College. I prefer shorter hair and it was beginning to bother me. Diane volunteered to cut it, so we invested in the Panasonic Trimmer. We’ll see how this works out.

  8. Art Scott

    Is you complaining or is you bragging? I’ve had barber scissors for years to trim beard/mustache. I’ve been hacking away at the excess around the ears and, with some contortions & a hand mirror, at the back of my neck. Looks terrible, I’m sure, but needs must to postpone a nostalgic return to my hipster ponytail days.

  9. George Kelley

    Art, I was tempted to try to trim my own hair (after rejecting shaving my head) but Diane would hear of it. I think she did a fine job (photos to follow) for her First Try.

  10. Jeff Smith

    I only get my hair cut about three times a year, anyway, so I’m fine. I let it grow long, then get it cut short. Repeat.

    Ann, whose hair is quite long, has it even longer now. She did have me trim the ends where they were raggedy, but that was less than a quarter inch. (Her hairdresser, when she announced she was shutting down β€” a couple days before they were all ordered to β€” told her clients not to do anything stupid at home and expect her to fix it later.)

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Diane had her hair done just before the Stay-at-Home orders went into effect. She can’t wait to visit her hairstylist!

  11. Cap'n Bob Napier

    I had it down to my shoulders once and I can do it again! The main difference is the part! Back then it was a narrow line, today it’ll be a four-inch gap!


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