Michael Weinstein’s brilliant Paperback Covers explores about 1600 paperback covers (while reproducing hundreds of examples of cover art both in B&W and color). I don’t know any other book that is this comprehensive. Weinstein’s approach is to use the five arts involved in the production of paperback covers–painting, photography, blurbwriting, typography, and design–as the focus of his analysis. If some of the examples seem overly weighted towards Robert McGinnis artwork and 1940’s paperback covers, it should come as no surprise these two areas are Weinstein’s preoccupations. If you’re as interested in paperback covers as I am, you need to order this book RIGHT NOW! You’ll discover hours of delight within its pages and a myriad of detail about cover artwork that you never knew. GRADE:A
How much is it?
I paid $32.75 for my copy, Jeff. That included shipping. The order address is:
Polygonal Publishing House
Box 357
Washington, NJ 07882
I generally fin that while looking at the covers is fun, it makes me want to read the books which are often rare or completely unavailable. For me, that puts books like this – and I do own several – into the category of “coffee table books” regardless of the format size.
There are plenty of books discussed in PAPERBACK COVERS that you’d love to own, Rick. Looking at them and having them analyzed is the next best thing.
You are worse than the Home Shopping Network was for my mother’s friend, Mimi. She went broke buying their products.
I’m taking that as a complement, Patti. Spending is the American Way.
Wait a minute. I just took another look at the cover of this book. Is that a Bloodhound on the cover of The Hound of the Baskervilles? A Bloodhound?!?!?!? That strikes me as so…wrong.
Clearly the cover artist was a cat person, Rick.
That’s a Basset Hound, Rick (you’re old enough toi remember Cleo from The People’s Choice, aren’t you?). All the covers on the book’s cover are mock-ups by the author, not real books.
Thanks for recommending PAPERBACK COVERS, Art!
Yes, Art you’re right: a Basset Hound. Still… it seems wrong for the book, but knowing it’s a mock-up (a pun there?) I feel better.
If you closely at all those covers on PAPERBACK COVERS, you’ll see some funny stuff going on, Rick.