Yesterday, I reviewed Jack Vance’s Alastor series. Splatterlight Books published this authorize “sequel” to Vance’s trilogy in 2019. In addition, Splatterlight published a “sequel” to Vance’s Demon Princes by Matthew Hughes, Barbarians of the Beyond (you can read my review here), in 2021.

A young man named Gunnar and his mother Justine arrive on the peculiar planet Phaedra after Gunnar’s father is killed on a military mission. Gunnar signs up for school and immediately is attracted by one of his classmates, a strange girl, Lavoine, who claims she’s a witch.

Phaedra features artifacts from the Elder Race that dominated the Galaxy before disappearing. Strange alien boats called Galleons sail the rivers of Phaedra. But Bad Things happen to anyone who tries to interfere with the Galleons progress.

Lavoine, with Gunnar and some friends, attempts to contact the Galleons with forbidden technology. The result sends Gunnar and Semele, a fierce huntress, to try to stop the return of the Elder Race and the destruction of humanity!

I enjoyed this intense adventure. Not only did Tais Teng write Phaedra: Alastor 824, he also painted the wrap-around cover! If you’re a Jack Vance fan, you’ll be entertained by this book. I hope Tais Teng writes more Alastor adventure novels! GRADE: B+

4 thoughts on “PHAEDRA: ALASTOR 824 By Tais Teng

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    Never heard of this or the author. I’ll keep it in mind. Besides Matthew Hughes (a favorite of mine), Michael Shea also wrote some fiction taking place in Vance’s worlds.

  2. Steve Oerkfitz

    Amazon has a novel, Mr. Cannyharme for sale at a reasonable price. It was never published during Shea’s lifetime. It’s a Lovecraftian novel.


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