Donna Seaman’s River of Books: A Life in Reading is a love letter to books and readers. Seaman takes a chronological approach to describe her life-long passion for books.
“Ultimately, my hope is to tell just enough of my story to share my love for and reliance on reading, track how reading has propelled my life, and call out books that have been lifeboats, life preservers, anchors, and safe harbors.” (p. 2)
In the wake of the Election, this is the perfect book to provide comfort and joy.
“I did read for comfort, hypnosis, and fun, devouring Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and Archie comics. But I was equally avid for serious books.” (p. 52)
Donna Seaman provides a handy chapter entitled “The Books” which provides bibliographic information on the dozens of books she references in each of the other chapters of her book. If you’re looking for a book that will amuse, inform, and divert you, take a trip down the River of Books. GRADE: A
Never the Same River, Never the Same Book — 1
The Hudson River, the Source — 5
What I hope for in Books — 59
Reading High — 63
The Blue River, a Tributary — 99
Good Books, Books I Revere — 129
The Chicago River, Changing Direction — 131
River Styx — 173
Why Read? — 207
River without End — 209
The Books — 225
Notes — 231
Acknowledgments — 237
About the Author — 239
I don’t need no stinking book to give me comfort and joy! The election did that!
Bob, I think your pain medications are giving you that comfort and joy. Maybe RFK, Jr. can upgrade your health when he becomes the head of HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES for Trump.
I don’t take any paid medications! That’s one joy I’ve been spared!
Bob, I take about a dozen paid medications. Better Living through Chemistry!
It is impossible to drown in a river of books. One can splash, dive, frolic, and laugh in it, while also diving deep to explore the many wonders within.
Jerry, well said!
George the Tempter does it again. You know there is no way I could skip a book called RIVER OF BOOKS.
Jeff, I like to keep up my Tempting Skills! You’ll enjoy RIVER OF BOOKS!