Finally, the entire Rocky and Bullwinkle series has been released including the elusive Fifth Season. This is the complete Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends series on 18 DVDs: 91 trips in the WABAC time machine, 38 attempts to catch Snidely Whiplash, 91 Fractured Fairy Tales, and 50 bits of wisdom from Mr. Know-it-All. Special Features include: Dear Bullwinkle segments, Classic commercials and promos, Rocky & Bullwinkle saving stamp club, Many Faces of Boris Badenov, classic Cheerios commercials, June Foray interview, Moose Calls—Best of Bullwinkle Sings, and Bullwinkle puppet clips. That’s over 60 hours of viewing pleasure! Rocky and Bullwinkle fans, rejoice!


  1. Todd Mason

    Now if they had just added the CRUSADER RABBIT hours (that Jerry House highlighted last week)…but despite my enjoying much of the cast’s work, not including the feature film of ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE of the previous decade is A-OK…

  2. Dan

    I actually have Bullwinkle’s head, stuffed & mounted on my wall. Not a moose head: the real Bullwinkle.

  3. Beth Fedyn

    I love Rocky & Bullwinkle and particularly Fractured Fairy Tales. I’ll be looking for this one.
    Are you saving this for a marathon while recuperating from knee surgery, George? Trust me – daytime TV is a wasteland!

    1. george Post author

      Yes, Beth, I’ll be watching all 60+ hours of ROCKY & BULLWINKLE as I recover from my total knee replacement surgery next moth. I’m going to watch a lot of comedies!

    1. george Post author

      There’s plenty of value in this package, Rick. You get 18 DVDs (over 60 hours!) of classic ROCKY & BULLWINKLE. If you can be patient, I’m sure DAEDALUS BOOKS will have it on sale in a year or two.

  4. Art Scott

    Tempting indeed. Now if they’d just packaged as extras the two live-action films, both classics I’m sure, who could resist? Robert DeNiro as Boris (how did he miss an Oscar nomination for that one?), or Sally Kellerman as Natasha(probably rivaling Denise Richards as an atomic scientist for sheer verisimilitude), take your pick for enshrinement in the Cinema Hall of Fame.

  5. Stan Burns

    Not only did they release this set, they finally released the fifth season for those of us who have the first four!

    1. george Post author

      There were rumors that the only way to obtain the elusive Fifth Season of ROCKY & BULLWINKLE was to buy the Complete Series, Drongo. That’s caused some rioting around here, too. But fortunately, ACORN issued the Fifth Season separately to quell the fan anger.

  6. Patti Abbott

    I have never seen a single episode of this show. I was never a cartoon kid. Nor an adult for that matter. Reality is my bailiwick. I may have missed a lot.

    1. george Post author

      ROCKY & BULLWINKLE was one of the great subversive cartoons, Patti. Plenty of double entendres and sly wit. It was more subtle than SOUTH PARK, but it dealt with Big Issues like the Cold War and Government Policy.

  7. Todd Mason

    Art, De Niro plays Fearless Leader in the terrible but almost watchable mixed animation/”live” film I mentioned, perhaps too telegraphically, in the second comment. A good cast wasted.

    More subtle than SOUTH PARK? More subtle than a tornado you say?

    1. george Post author

      I’m tempted to travel to NYC to see THE BOOK OF MORMON, Todd, before my knee surgery. The founders of SOUTH PARK are involved in the play.

  8. Todd Mason

    And saying that one doesn’t watch cartoons because one prefers reality is a bit like saying the same thing about opera.

    Or, of course, anything that isn’t purely nonfictional.

  9. Jeff Meyerson

    I must admit I was a big fan too. We jsut bought the complete JEEVES AND WOOSTER (and how is it possible Hugh Laurie has never won an Emmy for HOUSE?) yesterday, and Jackie bought one of her personal favorites, CAPTAIN NEWMAN, M.D.

    1. george Post author

      I have the complete JEEVES & WOOSTER, Jeff. I’ll be watching that (and other comedies) during the post-surgery period.


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