A series of strange events lure Sherlock Holmes and Watson into investigating mysterious deaths in London. The victims’s bodies are shredded and their bones are rearranged in bizarre patterns. And then, there is the gold and the spherical bones found at the crime scenes! Lois Gresh’s Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: The Adventure of the Deadly Dimensions (2017) features alien artifacts that mystify Holmes. These devices seem to be alive! Secret societies, dark cults, horrific rites, and eldritch events propel the plot of this faux-Sherlock Holmes novel. At 437 pages, Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu is a little too long for my taste. This is the first book in a trilogy. The second book, Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: The Adventure of the Neural Psychoses , will be published on August 14, 2018. GRADE: B
When I was discussing Sherlock Holmes Week with Jackie, I was predicting this one! Great title.
I’m sure Rick has it on his “must read” list.
Jeff, glad you predicted a Sherlock-Cthulhu mashup for SHERLOCK HOLMES WEEK! Now, go buy a POWERBALL ticket! You’re on a roll!
George, thanks to you and your references to Lovecraft, I got an answer to a crossword puzzle. It was Cthulhu and the clue didn’t have a lovecraft reference. It did take me a while to get the spelling correct
Maggie, I have to check the spelling of “CTHULHU” every time I use that name! Very Lovecraftian!
Nope. These mash-ups are not for me, thanks.
Rick, a ton of SHERLOCK-LOVECRAFT books pour off the presses. I could do a whole week of HOLMES-CTHULHU mashups! (But I won’t.)
Thank goodness. I see listings for a lot of Holmes books, but rarely for any with Lovecraftian connections. But then you have your own recommendation engines.
Rick, many Holmes-Lovecraft mashups are reviewed in SF journals like LOCUS.
Let me know when someone has an original character and idea!
Bob, I think you’ll see some original characters and ideas in the days ahead.