Snowpiercer is set on a train that circumnavigates the Earth. Civilization crashed when a New Ice covers the planet in ice and snow. But the remnants of humanity ride on a bullet train where the 1% resides in the luxurious front of the train while the 99% fight for survival in the back of the train. So, as you can see, there’s some serious social criticism going here. Chris Evans, looking nothing like Captain America, leads the rabble in an uprising. The battle from train car to train car explodes with violence. Surprises lurk in the convoluted plot. If you’re in the mood for an unconventional dystopian science fiction movie, give Snowpiercer a try. GRADE: B+

12 thoughts on “SNOWPIERCER

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Somehoe I missed the local reviews last week and it certainly hasn’t had any hype or commercials, apparently because Harvey Weinstein was in a snit because his demands for cuts and a framing story were ignored,. But it sounds like Jackie’s kind of story, even if – perhaps – an excessively violent one.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, there’s plenty of violence in SNOWPIERCER. But its social “message” might be the big attraction for much of the audience.

  2. Patti Abbott

    We saw it too. Parts like BRAZIL, parts like your typical summer action movie. On the whole, I liked it and B+ would be my grade too. It does take some explaining to get how it could travel for 17 years without any of the bridges needing work. But not too many unexplained things. Tilda Swinton and the schoolroom were my favorite parts.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, I’m with you on Tilda Swinton. She’s terrific! I had the same questions about the rails and the bridges, but too many of those thoughts would really sink this movie.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Has Tilda Swinton ever played a “normal” role? I’m not sure she’s capable of doing so.

  4. Richard R.

    This is a new one to me, but I guess if I don’t see a review in the newspaper or an ad on the tele I wouldn’t know about any film. Dystopia isn’t my favorite canvas for a film or book. You see a lot of interesting stuff.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, SNOWPIERCER is a very different film. Audiences in the mood for something out of the ordinary will find it with this movie.

  5. Steve Oerkfitz

    B+ seems about right. I enjoyed it even tho there was a lot of handwaving going on here when it comes to the actual train. If they ever explained how it was being maintained and fueled I missed it. I also hated the performance by Octavia Butler. Just terrible.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, Patti raised the troubling problem of maintaining the rails over 17 years. The “perpetual engine” that Ed Harris mentioned doesn’t really explain how train maintenance was handled. As I said, SNOWPIERCER is best enjoyed without asking a lot of questions.


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