Jerry House alerted me that this blog ranked #24 out of 400 mystery blogs (check it out here ). All the credit for this high ranking belongs to you. It’s the wit and wisdom of  Patti, Jeff, Deb, Richard, Beth, Todd, Art, Willam, Maggie, Bob, Tracy, Carl, Lauren, Steve, Jerry, Wolf, Stan, Dan, Neeru, Michael, Byron, Elgin, Angela, Scott, Jim, John, Kevin, Randy, James, Kent, Fred, and Matthew as well as all of you who make this blog a part of your day that made this blog #24.

The year ahead with the Presidential Election Season, multiple wars, Dark Money warping our voting, Social Media spreading lies and confusion, and divisions in our country needs some rationality and sanity. You bring it to this blog. Together, we can get through this nightmare.

Thank you, thank you very much.

28 thoughts on “STATE OF THE BLOG 2024

  1. Patricia Abbott

    Congrats on your steadfastness to putting out a blog. When I mention having one, people are amazed that such a thing still exists.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, and thank you for your steadfastness in both putting out your wonderful blog and contributing comments here! Yes, blogging is becoming Old School in a world were META and TIK-TOK rule.

  2. Deb

    Your blog is usually the first site I open every morning. I enjoy the wide variety of subjects you cover and the discussions we have in the comments. As long as this blog is around, I’ll be a regular visitor!

    1. george Post author

      Deb, thank you for you kind comments! I plan to keep blogging as long as I can. And I hope all the commentators like you keep visiting the blog!

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, 2024 is already shaping up to be a tough year. The Presidential Election season will be a circus! Too many wars, too many shootings, too many overdoses. The best we can do is to hang in there together!

      1. Todd Mason

        I strongly suspect I’m not fat-dipping in d’ Nile, so much as noting all the trends, when I suggest The Rump’s chances at electoral success are slim to none, as always, outside of the useless and Old Money vote-overriding of the Electoral College that one time that his chief opponent couldn’t be bothered to campaign sensibly, since that was what her bastard husband did).

  3. Beth Fedyn

    2024 has to be better than 2023 but that pesky election could sink optimistic expectations.
    This blog is the first thing I read after NYT. I enjoy being a part of it. Thank you, George.

    1. george Post author

      Beth, and thanks to you and all the other commentators who bring energy, wit, and wisdom to the blog! The pesky Election will dominate the craziness of 2024.

  4. Wolf

    George’s blog is one of my positive readings every day and of course the comments are also uplifting but 2024?
    I still remember the 60s, Rock Music and a lot of progress in Germany eg and I hoped this development would continue, especially after the Fall of the USSR.
    But lately we are seeing a return of fascist ideas.
    I was really shocked when I read that in East Germany the AfD has become the strongest party (more than 30%) and it’s similar in some Central European countries – and don’t even think about Eastern Europe!
    So there are many little Trumputins there – horrible!

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, there’s a worldwide swing to autocratic rule. Some people are frustrated by Democracy and think having a dictator running things will improve their lives. I blame the lack of teaching children History for many of these social movements. Many of these Ideas have been tried over the centuries…and failed.

    2. Todd Mason

      Fascism appeals to simple minds who resent people letting others know they don’t want to hide themselves any longer, and why can’t things be as simple and good as when I was 7yo? It never works, but what of that? Indeed, history is bunk, as one of our more assiduous fascists liked to insist. But nostalgia is Never Wrong, not matter how inaccurate; worship of the powerful always easily traduced.

  5. Wolf

    Totally OT but good news:
    Yesterday I saw again a report on the Russian!!! Chicago (yes, formerly Chicago Transit Authority) tribute band “Leonid and friends”:
    They’ll be touring the USA again in 2024 – won’t post the link but it’s easy to find.They performed in California last year and will be mainly in the Southeast but also in the New York City Winery.

  6. Todd Mason

    Fascism appeals to simple minds who resent people letting others know they don’t want to hide themselves any longer, and why can’t things be as simple and good as when I was 7yo? It never works, but what of that? Indeed, history is bunk, as one of our more assiduous fascists liked to insist. But nostalgia is Never Wrong, not matter how inaccurate; worship of the powerful always easily traduced.

  7. Todd Mason

    Congratulations, George…interesting that Matt Paust makes the list, and, say, Bill Crider doesn’t…nor Ed Gorman. I’d like to know how they actually arrive at these, but won’t pay them $19 to learn…but a nice and deserved plaudit!

    1. george Post author

      Todd, I don’t know the criteria for the blog rankings, but I give you credit for boosting the blog (with some help from other commentators!) to #24! Impressive!

  8. Byron

    Congratulations George. Not that long ago it seemed like there were way too many blogs but now it seems like there are too few (and far, far too many TikTok videos). Thanks for all your work and looking forward to all your posts in the coming year. Best wishes.

    1. george Post author

      Byron, thanks for your kind words! I miss Bill Crider’s blog and Rick Robinson’s blog and so many others. You’re right about younger people preferring TikTok over blogs.


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