The Kansas City Chiefs are going for a “Three-peat”–winning three straight Super Bowls–while the Philadelphia Eagles are going for revenge for their defeat in Super Bowl LVII. The Chiefs are 2-point favorites. Diane and I will be eagerly watching the Super Bowl commercials. Which team will you be rooting for?
Not a football fan, and I’m not interested in the game, the hype, or the commercials. I did, however, mark the day by having a super bowl of cold cereal this morning.
Jerry, I’m glad to learn you’ve not been swept up on the Super Bowl hype. Can you imagine the billions of dollars of Sports Betting that will be spent today?
Or, at least, fully take in the magnitude of unsavory business profits?
I keep saying how the Chiefs have been lucky this season, so I expect them to win IF their luck holds and to lose if it doesn’t. Either way, I think it’s going to be a very tight game and might depend on which team has the last possession.
We’ll be picking up some BBQ here in Natchez and bringing it home in a cooler, and we’ll be eating it was we watch the game.
Deb, we’re debating whether to go with pizza and wings…or submarine sandwiches for the game. BBQ sounds good!
While getting breakfast together for the cats, I managed to upset my bowl of microwaved spicy vegetarian patty, peas and pearl onions, and portobello mushrooms by placing it on a drying rack under the microwave that somehow moved close enough to the edge of the counter to dump the contents into the trash. Boy howdy. (I’ve just discovered that Joe Rogan’s bullshit podcast has been circulating portobellos-cause-cancer Troo Facks among its other service to humanity.)
Hence, I will avoid footballery. Alice is going over to visit a recuperating friend and watch the game with her…Alice is definitely rooting for the Chiefs. With luck, she won’t get hit by a drunken Phil fan on the way back home tonight.
Yours for as little fatal violence on and off the field as possible…enjoy any ads that have some wit about them.
I’m with Jerry in going with cereal this morning. Jackie is looking forward to one thing, the updated “When Harry Met Sally” commercial with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal.
Personally, if both teams could lose, I’d be happy. Whatever the odds, somehow the Chiefs (and where is the “Redskins” and “Indians”-style outrage over that name?) always manage to pull out the close ones at the end. So, if I had to pick, I’d root for the hated Eagles to win.
The commercials seem uninteresting. Food? It’s a Chipotle burrito bowl day.
Jeff, many NFL fans believe that the NFL referees have given the Chiefs some of those victories.
What is the over/under on Trump vs. Taylor Swift sightings, because I might put a bet on Taylor?
Jeff, Trump is going to “speak” during the Super Bowl so I guess that counts as 5 “sightings” vs. TAYLOR SWIFT.
I’ll be rooting for Trump not to show up. Good luck with that.
Fred, Trump is always looking to be on camera.
It’s all over the German media too – Trump, Swift and the unbelievable ticket prices.
More than a thousand $ ???
Well, I seem lucky to not be interested, wouldn’t even pay half of that for one of my favourite Rock Groups!
Have fun watching!
Wolf, the Super Bowl has become an international event. I’m just hoping the security holds.
I just hope for a good game since I like both teams! I can assure you I won’t be watching the halftime show! I don’t care about the commercials! And I hope the Taylor Swift appearances will be at a minimum! Oh, and I know the refs can be bought! There’s no other way to justify the Seahawks losing to the hated Stealers!
Bob, the 24-0 Halftime score was almost as bad as the Half-time Show! Another dull Super Bowl!
Then, what’s the over/under on how far up Trump’s ass Bret Baier gets his tongue.
Jeff, Trump wants to ban paper straws now! Is there no limit to his power?
Straws of any kind are banned at the local zoo! Bottle caps are banned at the local AAA baseball park! Will the terror never end?!
Bob, too many rules.
Man, I’ve seen the Chiefs have mediocre first half, but I don’t think I ever saw Mahomes look this lost.
And yes, most of the commercials sucked, or were mediocre at best.
Jeff, the Chiefs look defeated at Half-time.
It looks like the Chiefs’ luck has finally run out!
Deb, all Bills fans were rooting for the Eagles! Fly Eagles, fly!