Dr. Hotez is a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiology at the Baylor College of Medicine. He is also co-director of the Texas Children’s Center for Vaccine Development. And, Dr. Hotez gets a lot of death threats:

“…you print one more paper or blog suggesting the round up of free citizens to get an unproven untested shot that is no more a vaccine than an m and m is, I will suggest to all my Patriots friends that you be hunted and… Justice is on the way for you scumbag! ” (p. 1)

While Dr. Hotez is a leader in his field, his appearances on MSNBC and other media outlets about the dangers of Covid-19 put him in the cross-hairs of the vaccine-deniers. And, it wasn’t just Dr. Hotez being threatened, Dr. Fauci got emails like this one: “I will slaughter your entire family. You will pay with your children’s blood for your crimes.” (p. 95)

The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science documents the war on Science by the Right. Dr. Hotez provides documentation about the effects of the anti-vaccination campaign on FOX NEWS: over 200,000 lives could have been saved. But “The Ingraham Angle aired negative claims in 98% of its vaccine segments. Hannity was second with 91%, and Tucker Carlson Tonight and Fox News Primetime followed with 90% and 89%, respectively.” (p. 81). False claims against the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines cost people their lives.

Science and rational thinking is being attacked by local groups, state politicians, and members of Congress. While the Trump administration has a lot to answer for, the continuous attacks on the CDC and NIH haven’t stopped. Bogus “experts” on Social Media spread false claims and provide fake information to confuse medical issues.

Dr. Holez provides some strategies to fight this growing problem and encourages Americans to take action. When it comes to attacks on Science, Holez quotes Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman: “…it cannot be appeased or comprised with. It can only be defeated.” (p. 146) GRADE: A


Preface — xi
Chapter 1. An Army of Patriots Turns against the Scientists — 1
Chapter 2. Health Freedom Propaganda in America — 24
Chapter 3. Red COVID — 41
Chapter 4. An Anti-science Political Ecosystem — 64
Chapter 5. A Tough Time to Be a Scientist — 87
Chapter 6. The Authoritarian Playbook — 105
Chapter 7. The Hardest Science Communication Ever — 122
Chapter 8. Southern Poverty Law Center for Scientists — 143
Literature Cited — 163
Index — 209

37 thoughts on “THE DEADLY RISE OF ANTI-SCIENCE By Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD

      1. Todd Mason

        Trump”s support for Fauci and NIH was always lukewarm at best. But I suspect Trump’s feat of disease (as in his contracting one) led him to the closest approximation of responsibility in his term in office.

  1. Wolf

    We have those guys in Europe too but only on the really extreme right. However for many activities you need a vaccination passport`that helps.
    Once in Covid times I read a crazy and angry comment on our family doc from someone who wasn’t allowed into the doc’s office because he didn’t wear a mask, didn’t want to be vaccinated and so on …
    So what did he want the doc to do?
    Sometimes I’m thinking this is nature’s way to select who are (not …) going to multiply …
    Give them the Darwin Award!

      1. Todd Mason

        I don’t see it, George. Trump is doing Nothing to expand his appeal, and he still hasn’t actually won an election. While Biden could indeed make a much better case for his administration, but I think Trump’s probable near-future meltdown will take at least some of his sycophants with him.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, I’m looking at Third Parties that will draw votes from Biden and Dark Money that will support Trump and the MAGA crowd.

      3. Todd Mason

        Third parties have not, despite Democratic Party whining, played a significant role in the US pres elections since Perot. The State of Florida (and its crazy hole-punch 2-sided ballots), Sandra Day O’Connor’s irresponsibility, and Al Gore’s disinterest in actually being president rather than cashing in, not Ralph Nader, “lost” the 2000 election that that Gore won. Hillary Clinton’s irresponsible and inept campaign, not Jill Stein any more than Gary Johnson nor Gloria La Riva, “lost” for her the 2016 race she won. But we can’t blame the incompetence of our Fearless Leaders, so we abet their whining about Greens, who draw others’ votes (such as mine) that were not going to the neoliberals anyway. (Particularly as I lived in Dem states, with our ridiculous Electoral College, which the Democratic Party clings to, despite being the Only party that has been denied wins by it.)

        Robert Kennedy is as likely to draw his few votes from Trump as from Biden, and Stein will likely get few votes (almost none of which are ever going to go to Biden, even given he has been the closest thing to a leftist president we’ve had since LBJ, not least because he won’t be more public and forceful with Netanyahu about the latter’s Look How Tough I Am, Surely I Can’t Be Tried for Malfeasance bloodbath). That Clinton lost by Stein vote-totals in a few states only reinforces how inept her campaigning was, considering whom she was running against.

      4. george Post author

        Todd, I’m more concerned over the “Ralph Nader” Effect that bolloxed up Florida in 2000 and allowed the Supreme Court to decide the Presidential Election.

      5. Todd Mason

        There was no Ralph Nader effect in Florida–there was a Florida Ballot Bollixing/Supreme Court Partisanship Effect. Even Pat Buchanan, who was on the ballot in Florida as the pres candidate of the Reform Party, noted that the two-sided punch ballot Florida made intentionally confusing to use and easy to miscount showed Buchanan winning large amounts of votes in mostly Jewish districts where PB was pretty certain the voters were trying to plump for Gore. Nader had nothing to do with it. But Democrats will still choose to whine about it. Uselessly.

        1. Ge rid of the Electoral College.
        2. Quit letting neoliberals run the Democratic Party
        3. Encourage people to look at their available candidates, educate themselves about them, and vote responsibly.
        4. Be sure to lift a glass as soon as Mein Drumpf is in jail.

      6. george Post author

        Todd, the GOP will NEVER let go of the Electoral College. That’s the key factor in their wins for President. They lose the Popular Vote.

      7. Todd Mason

        Usually, but sadly not always. Thing is, the Democrats have wanted to retain it, as I’ve noted, for “Safe States” nonsense reasons, mostly to do with money.

      8. george Post author

        Todd, I’m sure you remember Mark Hanna’s famous answer to the question: “What are the three most important things in Politics?” Hanna answered, “Money…and I forget the other two.”

  2. Dan

    I hope Krugman was misquoted: “…comprised with…?”
    That aside, I’ll just say that if I were a drinking man, this would be sobering.

  3. Fred Blosser

    I keep telling my wife, it’s only a matter of time till they start burning witches again. If the next big pandemic doesn’t wipe us out first.

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie is a fan of Dr. Hotez.

    1. I can guarantee that Ingraham, Seannie and Carlson are ALL vaccinated.
    2. Deb: “Once you drink the Kool-Aid, there’s no going back.”
    3. Jackie: “If they’re all Republicans [the 200,000 dead], who cares?”

      1. Todd Mason

        Also, 200K unvaccinated Free Souls clog hospitals and breed new variants, of course, as well as being a drag on society (and their families) in other ways.

        But they sure do escape those vaccine chips, like heroes.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, the politics of vaccines continues as well as aversion to masking despite the current spikes in Covid-19, flu, and RSV.

      3. Todd Mason

        Well, George, one of my other tenets is that polls are usually so much bullshit. But Biden alienating no little of his base by publicly standing 150% behind Netanyahu is a fixable error, but it grows less fixable as he keeps at it.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, the schools in the U.S.–at all levels from Kindergarten to Graduate Schools–trend towards mediocrity. Banning books, having politicians write curriculum, and insisting a sugar-coated History be taught just leads to dumbing-down education that will cost us Big Time in the Future.

      1. george Post author

        Todd, book banning expanded from Texas to almost all 50 states. More and more MAGA types are running for School Boards.

  5. Jeff+Meyerson

    Cheer up George. We are still 9 months out and most people aren’t paying much attention. The time to start worrying will be after labor day. Don’t forget 500 Repblican MAGAS are dying of Covid every day, Biden could decide to step aside or hopefully, Trump could drop dead!



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