THE DRESDEN FILES: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE By Jim Butcher (Illustrated by Ardian Syaf)

I knew Jim Butcher wrote some graphic novels but I hadn’t seen one until I was at a Library Sale and there it was: Welcome to the Jungle. I bought this ex-library edition for a dollar (it’s $19.95 brand new). One of the reasons I enjoyed The Dresden Files series was that Jim Butcher included mysteries in the books for Harry Dresden to solve. Dresden is a wizard and a private investigator who sometimes works for the Chicago Police in solving “unusual” crimes.

Welcome to the Jungle opens with a murder at a zoo. Some of the cops want to blame the gorilla for the death, but they can’t explain how the gorilla would have opened his cage, killed the guard, and locked himself back up in the cage again. Enter Harry Dresden who senses supernatural forces at work.

I have never encountered Ardian Syaf’s artwork before, but Syaf is a talented illustrator. I’ll be looking for more of his work!

If you’re a fan of graphic novels, you’ll enjoy this mystery infused with magic. If you’re a Jim Butcher/Harry Dresden fan, you’re going to love Welcome to the Jungle for its mix of humor and action. GRADE: A

2 thoughts on “THE DRESDEN FILES: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE By Jim Butcher (Illustrated by Ardian Syaf)

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I consider Jim Butcher books to be “fluff” reading for a change of pace. It’s too bad the SCI-FI TV series didn’t succeed.


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