Chloe Zhao’s first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Eternals, features two historical moments: the first sex scene in a MCU movie (but if you blink, you’ll miss it) and the first MCU homosexual kiss. But, with an ensemble cast of 10 stars, the plot becomes rambling and confusing.

The 10 Eternals–leader Ajak (Salma Hayek), fighter Then (Anglina Jolie), laser eyes warrior Ikaris (Richard Madden), matter-changer Sersi (Gemma Chan), engineer Phastos (Brian Tyree Henry), mind controller Druig (Barry Koeghan), super puncher Gilgamesh (Don Lee), illusions caster Sprite (Lisa McHugh), speedster Makkari (Lauren Ridloff), and finger guns Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani)–are sent to Earth to defend it from the deadly, dinosaur-like, Deviants. After 7000 years, the Eternals feel their mission is over. Wrong!

A massive world-wide earthquake unearths a pack of Deviants from their sleepy snowy slumber. Many battles follow. But the Eternals face more than the Deviants. Their mission to protect Earth is more complicated than they thought.

Eternals represents a new phase in the MCU where the emphasis will be less on action and more on inter-personal conflict. It may take some getting used to… GRADE: B-

21 thoughts on “ETERNALS

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    I think I will pass on The Eternals. It has been getting pretty poor reviews and I am not much of a fan of superhero movies.

  2. Todd Mason

    Decent cast…but doubt they’ll get human drama down well for some time yet, if ever. Perhaps a tv series might be a better forum for a ten-character group…

    1. george Post author

      Todd, I agree. A TV series like AGENTS OF SHIELD would serve the large cast of ETERNALS better. Disney has already signaled that there will be a sequel to ETERNALS.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie has been catching up on all the seasons of AGENTS OF SHIELD on Netflix.

    I just don’t like the idea of a packed theater with most people unmasked.

    1. Steve Oerkfitz

      Jeff-Go to weekday matinees. In my area at least there are usually only about 12 people in the theater. They are only packed on weekends.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, the AMC Theater nearest to me starts showing movies at 4 P.M. The 4 and 6 P.M. showings of ETERNALS were sold out. I was able to get a good seat for the 6:45 P.M. showing. I got out at 9:30 P.M.! Too many dull previews!

      2. george Post author

        Steve, you’re right. Diane and I usually went to the movie theaters on weekdays. I’m going solo to most of these MARVEL movies. I like to see them when they first open so I’m not affected by spoilers that are everywhere on the Internet.

    2. george Post author

      Jeff, I’m not thrilled with sitting with unmasked (and possibly unvaccinated) people for two and a half hours, either. But, I’m putting my trust in the AMC air filer system and my N95 mask to keep me safe.

  4. wolf

    Can’t say much on the movie – but found this:
    Eternals, the newest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will not be shown in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or Kuwait because it includes a gay kiss. Homosexuality is illegal in all three countries.
    Of course the repugs ain’t much better – we are all laughing at ladies Greene and Boebert.

    1. Todd Mason

      Several other predominantly Muslim countries are also not too keen on more hetero Public Displays of Affection in this film or particularly the notion of non-Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh gods, either, and won’t be taking even their typically edited cuts of the film, I gather. Ah, well. Creating more underground economy…hoping, probably foolishly, that no one faces jail time or other serious punishment for wanting to watch a film, particularly one where no one, presumably, is actually hurt in its production.

      1. george Post author

        Todd, I’m sure there’s an underground economy that will provide unedited versions of any movie in those countries…for the right price.

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