the final programme
It’s rare that I win any contest I enter, but when the science fiction and fantasy web site BLACK GATE had a contest for a new copy of Michael Moorcock’s first Jerry Cornelious novel, I had to give it a try. John O’Neill, the Grand PooBa of BLACK GATE, was running the contest. You had to send him one line describing your favorite character of Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion series. So I sent: “Who doesn’t love Corum, the man with the Hand of Kwll and the Eye of Rhynn, who summons the undead from the underworld?” I was one of the three lucky winners. John O’Neill sent me a copy of the new Titan Books edition of The Final Proramme a week later. Titan Books is also publishing the other three books in the Jerry Cornelius series: A Cure for Cancer, The English Assassin, and The Condition of Muzak. Follow the adventures of a scientist-rock star-assassin in the mod world of surreal England.

17 thoughts on “THE FINAL PROGRAMME By Michael Moorcock

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Way to go. I’ve been lucky occasionally too. It never hurts to enter one of these because you never know,

  2. Wolf Böhrendt

    Congratulations from me too!

    Nice to see that Titan is keeping memories of M Moorcock alive …

    A bit OT:

    I’ve been following the success of these guy which also own(ed) the Forbidden Planet bookstores now for more than 35 years – out of a hobby grew a large enterprise. We often partied in the early days in London …
    And I also have fond memories of the store on Broadway – in the good old times when people still bought SF books.
    If you want to read up on this:

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, Titan is doing a fabulous job reprinting classic science fiction. I’be purchased a dozen of their omnibus editions! I’ll be reviewing them soon.

    2. Patti Abbott

      Wolf-Can you recommend a good contemporary novel about Berlin? We are coming in May and would like to read a novel ahead of time. Thanks. Of coure it would have to be translated into English because we are typical Americans and know no other language well enough to read in it.

      1. Wolf Böhrendt

        Patti, I’m at a loss right now – but tonight we’ll visit our favourite bar again and there’s a literary circle of friends there.
        I’ll ask them, so please be patient!

  3. Jerry House

    I can take the Jerry Cornelius novels in small doses (unlike most of his other work) but there’s a lot to like in just about everything he does.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, Titan Books is reprinting the entire Jerry Cornelius series (4 books). It’s nice to see them back in print and available for fans of Michael Moorcock.


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