THE GRAY MAN [Netflix]

The Gray Man is based on Mark Greaney’s series about a CIA assassin, Courtland Gentry (aka, Six) (Ryan Gosling). Gentry is recruited to join the super secret Sierra group (where the agents have Numbers) by the CIA’s Donald Fitzroy (Billy Bob Thornton). Fast-forward 18 years and Gentry is on a mission to kill a man who he later discovers is a member of the Sierra group. Four, before he dies, warns Gentry that the CIA will kill him next. Then Four gives Gentry a MacGuffin and the chase is on!

Gentry’s boss, Denny Carmichael (Rege-Jean Page), brings in a sadistic sociopathic killer, Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans, aka Captain America), to kill Gentry and retrieve the McGuffin–no expenses spared!

Some of the reviews I’ve read of The Gray Man questioned Netflix’s decision to spend $200 million dollars on this movie. I can testify that at least $100 million was spent on the incredible fire-fight in a European city that causes mass casualties and colossal destruction. The airplane scene must have cost a pretty penny, too!

I was also impressed that Ryan Gosling channelled ultra-violent John Wick in many of the fight scenes that featured hand-to-hand combat and close range shooting. I was less impressed that Anthony and Joe Russo (Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame) wasted Jessica Henwick (as CIA agent Suzanne Brewer) and Gentry’s sometime savior, Ana de Armas (agent Dani Miranda). Hopefully, they will get more screen time in a sequel.

If you’re in the mood for a Summer pop-corn action-movie, The Gray Man–despite the dreadful title–delivers almost non-stop thrills and a large body count. GRADE: A-

13 thoughts on “THE GRAY MAN [Netflix]

  1. Michael Padgett

    I don’t have a natural affinity for movies of this sort but I do enjoy the really good ones–the Bourne series, the better MI movies such as “Fallout”, and a handful of the better Bond movies. Still undecided on this. The reviews have been mediocre at best. If I watch it the deciding factor will probably be the impressive cast.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, I enjoyed THE GRAY MAN, but the amount of physical punishment Ryan Gosling endures is incredible…and not realistic. If you can get past that, you’ll find an entertaining action movie.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, THE GRAY MAN provides a different type of action. There are Bond movie moments mixed with John Wick moments. The plane scene tops anything in TOP GUN!

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Yeah, the CIA gave the psycho Evans free rein and he basically had his minions destroy the center of Prague. I did like some of the action scenes – Gosling using the building as a mirror to shoot a pursuer, de Armas driving a little car to pick him up amidst all the destruction. But are we really supposed to believe the clearly insane Lloyd went to Harvard? Evans looked ridiculous with the little mustache and slicked back hair. The book was better. Still, as George said, a watchable summer popcorn movie while you’re waiting for JOHN WICK 4, though A- is generous.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I guess I was just in the mood for a movie like THE GRAY MAN. Gosling did a good job in the role although no human could take all the hits he does and survive. Still, suspension of rationality is required in action films like this. I wonder if there will be a sequel…

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        Jackie agrees with you. I think I read there will be a sequel, but not sure. It kept your attention, anyway.

      2. george Post author

        Jeff, the key element of THE GRAY MAN movie is its non-stop action…which doesn’t give you time to think WTF when bullets and hand grenades and RPGs start flying around!

      1. Todd Mason

        No, they haven’t. George W. Bush comes to mind.

        Caught some of MI: ROGUE NATION while taking pills (my diabetes cocktail) this noonish. These really are comic-book films, and not the more sophisticated kind.

  3. wolf

    I didn’t like the Bond movies and this collection of killing power and brutality sounds unbelievable to me.
    No way!


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