The Nice Guys generated plenty of mixed reviews so I was in no hurry to see it. But a rainy day and a free bag of popcorn offer from Regal Theaters motivated me to see this comic private eye movie. Ryan Gosling plays a single Dad with a 13-year-old daughter (Angourie Rice) who is actually a licensed private investigator. He specializes in finding missing people. Russell Crowe plays “the muscle.” He’s very good at beating people up. Gosling and Crowe team up on a search to find the missing daughter of the Attorney General (Kim Basinger). Yes, there’s a porno movie McGuffin, there’s some graphic violence, and some humor. Ryan Gosling tries too hard to be funny. There’s a giant talking Bee. Gosling makes a shockingly insensitive remark to a mother whose daughter was murdered. The plot is overly-convoluted. And releasing The Nice Guys at a time when audiences flock to Angry Birds, Captain America: Civil War, and X-Men: Apocalypse was a marketing mistake. This film should have been released in October. I’d wait until The Nice Guys gets to Netflix. GRADE: B-

23 thoughts on “THE NICE GUYS

    1. george Post author

      Sergio, you’ll notice a lot of KISS KISS BANG BANG moments in THE NICE GUYS. Let us know what you think of the movie.

    1. george Post author

      Bob, the 13-year-old just acts like she’s a private eye. Actually, she has more on the ball than Gosling and Crowe.

  1. Bill Crider

    Well, okay, I’ll wait, but I was really looking forward to this one. Like Sergio, I’m a big fan of KISS KISS, BANG BANG.

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie wanted to see this too, until she saw the reviews. We’ll wait for TV.

    I do like KISS KISS BANG BANG too.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, THE NICE GUYS has disappeared from our local Regal Theaters. When I saw THE NICE GUYS last Thursday night, there were 3 other people in the theater watching with me. It was like a private screening!

  3. Patti Abbott

    Most of the reviews I have seen have been fairly positive so I might still give it a go. I could use a laugh.

  4. maggie

    I LOVED IT. I laughed so often, as did the other 7 or so people in the theater. I’ll buy this when it comes out.

    I liked both crowe and gosling, and also thought the young girl was very good. The Kim Bassinger character was the most jarring to me.

    I’d give it an A, but I’m notoriously easy to please

  5. Beth Fedyn

    I’m with Maggie. I LOVED it. And I’ll get the DVD when it comes out.

    I don’t usually like kids in adult movies but George is right. The 13-year-old is the brains in this group.

    And it’s SOOOO ’70s! I wore those high-waisted, zippered bell bottoms too!

    It’s violent and funny and has Ryan Gosling. I even liked Russell Crowe in it and I can’t stand Russell Crowe.

  6. Patti Abbott

    Saw it. You were too kind. It reminds me of a seventies TV movie. The car chases are many, the laughs are few. I’d give it a 4/10.

    1. george Post author

      Elgin, I picked up a copy of KISS KISS BANG BANG for a dollar at BIG LOTS. Inexpensive copies are available on the Internet, too.

      1. Elgin Bleecker

        George – That’s a great idea. Every once in a while, I stop into the dollar store to see what DVDs they have. Found some good movies that way. (Some duds, too.)

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