Peter Berresford Ellis (aka, Peter Tremayne) wrote a Dracula trilogy forty years ago. Of the three books, I like the middle volume the best.

The Revenge of Dracula begins when Upton Welsford, a British Diplomat, buys an enigmatic jade figurine. The jade figurine brings nightmares to its owner. Upton Welsford then discovers the woman he loves seems possessed. How does the ancient relic connect Welsford with the Dracula’s quest for immortality? Welsford travels to Transylvania to found out and to rescue his lover.

The Peter Tremayne Dracula trilogy keeps to the story elements that Bram Stroker used. The Dracula trilogy is more of a prequel to Stoker’s Dracula but shares many of its themes and horrors. If you’re a fan of Dracula this trilogy–especially The Revenge of Dracula–might just serve up the bite that you need! GRADE: B+

Dracula Lives Series
   1. Dracula Unborn (1977)
     aka Bloodright : Memoirs of Micrea Son to Dracula
   2. The Revenge of Dracula (1978)
   3. Dracula, My Love (1980)


6 thoughts on “THE REVENGE OF DRACULA By Peter Tremayne

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    I know his Sister Fidelma series and his many short stories, but I did not know he’d written a Dracula trilogy.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, I’ve read several Sister Fidelma mysteries, but I was as surprised as you are that Tremayne wrote a vampire trilogy. It was recommended in THE PENGUIN BOOK OF VAMPIRE STORIES.

  2. Michael Padgett

    Guess I’m not as up on vampire stuff as I thought. Although I’ve heard of Tremayne I haven’t read anything by him and wasn’t even aware of this trilogy.

    1. george Post author

      “Michael, I’m not a vampire expert, either. But Alan Ryan included an “Appendix A: Vampire Novels” to THE PENGUIN BOOK OF VAMPIRE STORIES that he edited. The Revenge was one of the recommended books.

  3. Jerry House

    Tremayne wrote a number of horror novels in the late seventies and in the eighties. Among them THE VENGEANCE OF SHE, THE ANTS. THE CURSE OF LOCH NESS, ZOMBIE!, THE MORGOW RISES, SNOWBEAST!, SWAMP!, TROLLNIGHT, and NICOR!. I’ve read a number of these and they are pulpishly good.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I didn’t know Peter Tremayne wrote so many pulpish novels! I’ve basically read Tremayne mysteries before this vampire trilogy. Time to track down some of those titles you’ve listed! Thanks for the heads up!


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