The Senate might not allow witnesses in the Impeachment trial, but this blog will allow you to testify freely. Despite the ravages of the flu, coronavirus, the approaching Recession, and the upcoming primaries the good people of America (and those Brexit folks in the U.K. and the Euro Zone) await the winds of change approaching fast.

Amid all this chaos, the wit and wisdom of Patti, Jeff, Deb, Rick, Beth, Todd, Art, Willam, Maggie, Bob, Prashant, Sergio, Carl, Lauren, Steve, Jerry, Wolf, Stan, Dan, Michael, Elgin, Scott, Jim, John, Kevin, Randy, James, Kent, Fred, and Matthew as well as all of you who make this blog a part of your day brought hope and sanity in these times of Fake News and strife.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

33 thoughts on “THE STATE OF THE BLOG 2020

  1. Deb

    Always my first blog stop in the morning. I read all your posts—even when I don’t comment. Keep up the good work, George!

    1. wolf

      Same here!
      George, thank you very much!
      Originally I came here for the SF, but your breadth of comments
      made me stay for everything …

      1. george Post author

        Wolf, I appreciate your comments that give us a Euro perspective. In a couple of weeks, you’ll be surprised at a post about a Hungarian writer!

    2. george Post author

      Deb, your wonderful comments delight us! This blog is just as much about the commentators as it is about the posts. And you’re one of the best!

  2. Michael Padgett

    It’s also my first blog stop of the day. Since I’m really not much of a blog commenter I only comment when the post of the day interests me AND when I think I have something to add. Please keep it going.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, your comments are always thought-provoking and interesting. I intend to keep blogging in part because of commentators like you!

    1. george Post author

      Patti, as you know, I have a lot of interests. I’m happy to share them on this blog. But your comments over the years have added immensely to the entire experience!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    What Patti said goes here too. Jackie is frequently amazed and amused when I tell her “what George posted today.” As Patti said, you never know what will turn up next, and very little (only the DC direct to video cartoons) holds no interest. Keep up the good work!

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Jackie will get a kick out of the blog post I have prepared for Saturday this week. Your knowledgeable comments are always appreciated!

  4. maggie mason

    I had to change from IE to chrome to get some sites to work (open table restaurant reservations, etc.) and your blog is on IE I try to remember to check it, but it doesn’t always work. I left the link to Bramhall cartoons on there and it’s now working, so maybe I’ll remember more often.

  5. maggie mason

    I should have asked this yesterday: why didn’t the 49ers lose a time out in the 2nd half when they lost a challenge????

    1. george Post author

      Elgin, I have stacks of books and DVDs waiting to be experienced so that’s plenty of fuel for the blog. I welcome your insightful comments!

  6. Steve Lewis

    Except for the posts on football, which I care nothing about, more more more!

    Even your reviews of books about finance and economics I always learn something from. Never too old, I say.

    1. george Post author

      Steve, the blog will be football-free for the next 8 months (except for a post on the NFL Draft). Finance and economics continue to fascinate me so you’ll be happy to hear there will be more posts about the Economy in the months ahead. Your blog is one of my favorites!

    1. george Post author

      Rick, every four years I wonder why Iowa choose such a kludgy system like caucuses. Why not a simple vote? I’m not sure the results in Iowa have much meaning. Bloomberg is smart to pour his money into the Super Tuesday states.

  7. Beth Fedyn

    Thank you for your thank you, George.
    I hope/think I’m the first person accessing your blog from the North Sea. Wilba and I are afloat.
    I hope your very educational, entertaining blog continues as long as I can belly up to a desktop computer.
    Give Diane a hug for me.


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