10 thoughts on “THE STATE OF THE WORLD

  1. Cap'n Bob

    Five weeks ago I was in a wheelchair, now I’m walking! The kids and grandkids are healthy and I don’t have any debt! I’m not going to comment on the political scene! So, overall, all is well!

  2. Dan

    Well, the old body’s going out on me, but otherwise I’m at a personal and artistic high.
    As for the World, well, If I can’t say something nice….

  3. Deb

    I’m feeling slightly more optimistic about November seeing how positive the response to Harris-Wolz has been, but all manner of bad players—from Russian bot farms to GOP secretaries of state who have already stated publicly that they will not certify a win for the Dems—still have the power to ruin our future. As for Trump—if your grandfather was spewing the incoherent nonsense that is coming out of his mouth these days, you’d be looking for a care facility for him. And whoever the GOP nominee is (now or in the future), Project 2025 remains an existential threat to all of us. So, as the old saying goes, “Hope for the best, expect the worst.”

    1. george Post author

      Deb, today’s NY TIMES poll puts Kamala Harris up by four points in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin–three key Swing States. But, as you point out, there’s plenty of Trouble ahead!

  4. Jeff Meyerson

    Yeah, pretty much agree with what Deb said. I do have to try and tamp down Jackie’s optimism by reminding her of 2016.


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