THE TURNOUT by Megan Abbott

I took Katie for ballet and dance lessons for years so I’m familiar with the setting of Megan Abbott’s The Turnout. Dara and Marie Durant run The Durant School of Dance. Dara and Marie were trained by their demanding mother. When their parents die in a car accident, Dara and Marie decide to run the dance school with Dara’s husband, Charlie.

Marie teaches the little kids. Dara, demanding like her mother and more talented, teaches the older students. Charlie, who used to be their mother’s best student, is now dealing with crippling injuries from his years of dancing. Charlie handles the scheduling, paperwork, and the bill paying/business aspects of the dance school.

After a fire damages one of the dance studios, Dara, Marie, and Charlie agree to hire Derek, a contractor, to repair the damage. Derek reminds me of the cunning stalker in John D. MacDonald’s Cape Fear (aka, The Executioners), Max Cady. Derek slowly starts to dominate Marie and enrages Dara as the annual performance of The Nutcracker looms. Derek’s presence triggers a series incidents full of growing dread.

The Turnout shows how secrets slowly fester and suddenly blossom into terror. Of all of Megan Abbott’s books, The Turnout is my favorite. GRADE: A

14 thoughts on “THE TURNOUT by Megan Abbott

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    Excellent book She writes beautifully. I don’t know that it’s my favorite of hers. I would have to reread some of her earlier ones again. I would think anyone who is thinking about entering their child in ballet school might have second thoughts after reading The Turnout.

  2. Michael Padgett

    I haven’t read all of Abbott’s novels but of the 4-5 I’ve read this is my favorite. And if, like me, you have zero interest in ballet, don’t let that stop you. The comparison to Max Cady is dead on, or at least Cady as played by Robert Mitchum. Time to go back and read Abbott’s early novels, the ones with the noirish covers.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, the Max Cady reference came to me as I as reading THE TURNOUT. I remembered the same sense of dread when I was reading CAPE FEAR (aka, THE EXECUTIONERS) decades ago.

  3. Jerry House

    As I mentioned to Patti this mornig, I think the world would be a much better place when Megan is appointed Ruler of the World.

  4. Deb

    This is on my tbr—and I’m looking forward to reading it. I’m glad Megan is writing about adults once more. I know her books about adolescent girls were very popular, but (perhaps having been an adolescent girl myself at one point) I found them harder to get into. It sounds as if THE TURNOUT has almost an Iris Murdoch feel to it, with a character who grows progressively more menacing as the story advances. I love stuff like that!

  5. Todd Mason

    Patti–if there’s one thing ballet strikes most non-cultists as, particularly in the instruction of it to the young, it’s creepy. Ranging from the uniformity of the look to the destruction of the feet to…well, everything.

  6. Neeru

    Seems very compelling, George. I haven’t read Abbot though I plan to. I have read only good things about her writing (Patti must be really proud).

    1. george Post author

      Neeru, Megan Abbott’s works are definitely noirish, but all of her novels present compelling characters in suspenseful situations. Patti and Megan are both wonderful writers!


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