Season 3 of The Wheel of Time–a fantasy series based on Robert Jordan’s books–returns with an opening battle royal between the Black Ajah and the Aes Sedai. In the aftermath, Rand–who could be the Dragon Reborn (decides to flee the Darkfriends–and the first three episodes (of 8) expand the storylines of magical forces fighting for control.

As executive producer and Moiraine actress Rosamund Pike cleverly says of the season, “I suppose you could say we’ve reinvented the wheel and taken ownership of the story in a new way.” As I mentioned in an earlier review of The Wheel of Time (you can read my review here), I’ll watch anything with Rosamund Pike in it. The production values of this new season have been increased. The magic is more magical, the fighting more powerful, and the treachery more cunning. If you’re in the mood for a TV series with action and excitement, you might want to give The Wheel of Time a try. GRADE: INCOMPLETE but trending towards an A-

4 thoughts on “THE WHEEL OF TIME, SEASON 3 [AMAZON Prime Video]

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I agree with you on the slowness of SEASON 1 of THE WHEEL OF TIME. SEASON 2 picked up speed. SEASON 3 starts with a bang!

  1. Jeff Meyerson

    Jackie is excited that the new series is finally on. I never watched it, not my thing. But I agree with you about Rosamund Pike.


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