The Wild Robot came and went here in September 2024. But it did well worldwide. The Wild Robot grossed $325 million worldwide at the box office, making it the sixth-highest grossing animated film of 2024.

A storm causes a Universal Dynamics cargo ship to lose ROZZUM service robots, which wash up on an isolated island. ROZZUM Unit 7134 (aka, Roz) attempts to find a purpose and ends up trying to raise a gosling. Lupita Nyong’o voices Roz as she frequently overrides her programming to accomplish her task. Roz makes friends with a snarky fox, Fink, voiced by Pedro Pascal. Together, Roz and Fink help the gosling, Brightbill (Kit Connor) learn to swim and fly.

I liked Catherine O’Hara as Pinktail, a maternal Virginia opossum who gives Roz some advice on raising Brightbill, Bill Nighy as Longneck, an elderly barnacle goose who helps Roz understand teaching Brightbill how to fly, and Mark Hamill as Thorn, a grizzly bear and the island’s most feared predator.

I’m a fan of robots so The Wild Robot entertained me. I suspect many of you would enjoy it, too. GRADE: B+

7 thoughts on “THE WILD ROBOT [Peacock]

  1. Todd Mason

    And, just to note it, the nomenclature is a hat-tip to the originator of the term “robot” for mechanical humanoid, Karel Capek and his play RUR (which was a corporate abbreviation for “Rossum’s Universal Robots”)…he wrote it in Czech, but it was an international hit and widely translated.

    Sounds charming, and I like the cast members I’m familiar with.

      1. Todd Mason

        Several times thereafter, helpful WordPress decided you meant “Rob” for Roz as well…I’m so used to that that I didn’t note it till looking at it again…

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