throne of atlantis
I’ve been watching these new Justice League movies for a couple of years now. They seem to have fallen into a pattern of featuring one of the superheroes in each movie. This time it’s Aquaman. I always liked Aquaman adventures when I was a kid reading DC Comics. His adventures were different and like Tarzan, Aquaman had the power to communicate with animals (like dolphins and whales). I set the bar pretty low for this kind of entertainment so your enjoyment level might not be as high as mine. GRADE: B
Sneak peak at Batman vs. Robin
Villains of the Deep: Black Manta and Ocean Master
Scoring Atlantis: The Sound of the Deep: an informative feature about the music of these DC movies. Loved it!

9 thoughts on “THRONE OF ATLANTIS

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I didn’t know about these new JLA movies. I’ll see if I can get a DVD pack. As a young teenager I used to like Aquaman and Green Lantern comics and later switched loyalties to Batman. I still have a few A4 size Aquaman comics.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, these are animated movies with about a running time of 72 minutes. I picked up this Blu-ray version for $9.99 but the DVD version was a couple of bucks cheaper. You would enjoy the feature on this Blu-ray about developing the music soundtracks for the JLA movies.

  2. Patti Abbott

    Reading your last comment, I realized I am not able to set the bar low. And I am wondering if it is a male thing. Most men I know enjoy junky movies of some kind-horror, adventure, science fiction, war. Most women will tolerate a poor romance (not me). However, it is possible that I set the bar in the middle too often. I see a lot of stuff none of my friends would see. I guess I am a mid-bar setter. Yes, this is going on my blog for discussion. Thanks!

    1. Richard R.

      Patti, I hope you’re not saying all horror, adventure, science fiction, war films are junk. There are good and poor in all genres, I think. I will watch a SF film for the special effects as much as plot, but I prefer it to be though provoking, not mindless smash and scare. War films have to be accurate for me to want to see them. Have you seen Unbroken?

    2. george Post author

      Patti, Diane sets the bar low for romantic comedies. I think there are genres that we enjoy and we’re willing to put up with less than excellence to experience that enjoyment.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    Patti, back in the 80s my bar was basically set at zero! I would watch anything, almost literally. After I found myself watching several horrendously bad Japanese monster movies, Paul Naschy Vampire movies, the last films of John Carradine’s career, several things in the LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT-type crap, I pulled back. Jackie has what I would consider a low bar for Hallmark Channel romances, and if there is a doctor involved in any show, she will probably watch it.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    Jeff, Linda loves those saccharine Hallmark movies and I can’t stand them one iota. If she’s watching one, I head upstairs for the computer.


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