Trump’s destructive Agenda for a second Presidential term includes “payback” for his enemies and a gutting of the Department of Justice. Kiss aid to Ukraine goodbye. Trump will be Putin’s puppet in foreign policy. Millions of words attacking Biden and the Democrats show up online each day from Russian hackers to influence the Election in Trump’s favor.

Trump’s domestic policy includes detention camps and mass deportations of migrants, as well as pregnancy monitoring to enforce abortion bans. A national total ban on abortions is on the table.

Trump also warns of a crackdown on the “enemy from within” if he wins, and failed to rule out political violence if he does not.

The TIME interview reveals all of Trump’s plans to gut Democracy and to rule America as a dictator. Trump holds nothing back and I believe he’s going to launch his plans on Day One. Biden is behind in key swing states like Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Things look dire. What do you think?

39 thoughts on “TIME: “IF HE WINS”

  1. Cap'n Bob

    Total nonsense! Just what I’d expect from the NYT! My suggestion is to ignore the pundits but before you vote buy a cart full of groceries, a tank of gas, and a restaurant meal! If you notice how much more all these things cost you compared to four years ago, let that show you where your best interests lie!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, the Pandemic caused the Inflation which is coming down now. My stock portfolio is doing well with the DOW hitting new highs.

  2. Deb

    The right has been working toward this moment since Nixon was elected. Fascism is the ONLY end goal of conservative movements. Whether he wins or loses, I fear there is going to be a wave of violence unleashed across the country—especially if he loses. As I often say, I’m glad I’m old.

  3. Fred Blosser

    More free publicity for this loathsome grifter who makes Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff look like Mother Teresa. We all know what a second Trump term will be like, and Deb is spot on about what we can expect in November.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, I wonder how many people will tune in to the Biden-Trump debates. All the pundits claim 60% of probable voters have already made up their minds.

  4. Dan

    I have reached a point in life where it’s quite possible that Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Justice Kavanaugh and their ilk will outlive me. Their legacy certainly will.
    Oh Crap.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, Mitch McConnell zones out, Kavanaugh can’t get served in Washington, D.C. restaurants, and Trump…we’ll see what happens to him. As for you, live long and prosper!

  5. Patricia Abbott

    A huge article in the NYT today about the violence already under way against democratically elected officials that don’t tow Trump’s line. Wish I could go to Canada.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, Canada has its share of problems, too. Europe is being swamped by Russian hackers with disinformation and fake news. All democracies are under attack by the autocrats.

    2. Todd Mason

      There is an efflorescence of fascism in the world right now…China, Russia, and entirely too much of everywhere else. The Electoral College and the general hideboundness of US political institutions allow the wealthiest malefactors to either exploit or rile up those who live mostly on resentment, or both…

  6. Jerry+House

    As terrible as a Trump presidency will be, it may not last long. He’s already decomposing in front of us. What concerns me most is whoever he chooses to be a running mate and the options are not good (the very best being Hannibal Lector, as SNL pointed out this week). The MAGA crowd, many of whom don’t know what they stand for outside of sound bites, will blindly follow the destructive pattern. I’m optimistic enough to believe that we will eventually come out on the other side, but it will take time and probably involve a lot of bloodshed and ruined lives.

    I wish people would stop being so damned stupid!

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, stupidity–like Death and Taxes–will always be with us. But hopefully not in the volume we’re dealing with today. I blame the erosion of Education in schools. The Pandemic set millions of students behind.

      1. Todd Mason

        We can’t blame the pandemic for rampant yahooism….but the blithe and blinkered arrogance of neoliberalism has worked hand in glove with the opportunism of re-energized fascism to lay so much groundwork.

      2. george Post author

        Todd, the Pandemic–and Trump–unleashed rampant yahooism. Stalin used to call American liberals “useful idiots” and manipulated them for his own purposes. That’s happening today on a global scale.

      3. Todd Mason

        Drumpf & Co. have realized Kennedy might take his fringe votes as well. Meanwhile, rampant yahooism is always with us…and the naked contempt the county-clubber neoliberals have held the less-well-off in simply reassures the Tea Partisans and fellow travellers of their rectitude.

        More the Henry Wallace sorts of useful idiot, who remained an idiot even when he went back to corporatism, rather than liberals per se,

  7. Todd Mason

    I suspect Biden still manages to win, despite the lack of adeptness in his messaging, and not helped by his inability to live fully in today, as opposed to a time when Ben-Gurion and Meir were in the place Netanyahu currently disgraces, and when he hadn’t already been a key player in neoliberal administrations and Senate majorities that had let too much insecurity be unleashed on the non-wealthy, while allowing the wealthy to run even more rampant than previously.

    Because Drumpf has never actually won…and has made more enemies than ever before…and I think that beyond his cult (and those who enjoy being Owned themselves by him insulting those they resent), I don’t think he has much real support.

    Polls remain Not Votes, of course….if Kennedy gets even 1% of the actual vote, as opposed to the 8% or so he keeps polling, I will be Very surprised.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, we’ll be lucky if Biden can squeak out a victory in November. The wild cards of Third Parties–especially Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (dead worm in his brain and all)–may tilt the Election to Trump.

      1. Todd Mason

        Imprisoning children in pens while wasting money on useless fences and encouraging vigilantes, stiffing the allies who don’t grease his palm, making sure our economy is dependent on Saudi oil to keep the kickbacks coming…being Putin’s usefu idiot…

      2. george Post author

        Todd, on MSNBC last night, the commentators were discussing Trump’s announced plans for a THIRD TERM!

    1. Todd Mason

      Well, indy and small-party candidates rarely are on the stage with the larger party nominees. The trans-D/R nominee debates that usually happen are usually more amusing to watch, and less about the terror of saying the Wrong Thing, for obvious reasons.

      If No Labels and the like cough up a candidate, they won’t get to be on the stage with Biden and Drumpf, either….

    2. Todd Mason

      Everyone else is posturing, eh? You seem to be slouching along as much as anyone else here…. Drumpf as puppet/cheerleader for all the wet dreams of our reactionaries and fascists will probably lose, since he really can’t make a case for himself (inasmuch as his ineptitude in regards to Covid did allow our gougers to gouge away, and his anti-choice and similar malign appointments and resentments have done nothing to improve the lot of anyone but those who were already well-insulated)…and he has made a Lot of enemies, Even Republicans tend to prefer their female relatives and friends to Not Die from preventable pregnancy-related maladies…as the various ballot measures so far keep proving.

      1. Todd Mason

        He is among the best…Meyers is good, also, and Kimmel is sharpening of late….but Colbert also partially responsible for the fine TOONING OUT THE NEWS and OUR CARTOON PRESIDENT…much missed!

      2. george Post author

        Todd, Colbert might be the smartest of the late night hosts. He’s not afraid to make fun of politicians and their antics.

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