I’ve enjoy Will Murray’s The Wild Adventures of Cthulhu, Volume 1 (you can read my review here) and The Wild Adventures of Cthulhu, Volume 2 (you can read my review here). The latest in the series, The Wild Adventures of Cthulhu, Volume 3 arrived and it features more original stories than the previous two volumes that mostly reprinted stories Will Murray wrote for various anthologies.
You’ll meet ghouls in “What Ghouls These Portals Be.” Dark forces threaten our world in “The House at One Tower Way.” The secret to time travel and reading the Future come together in “Kingsport Tea.”
I enjoyed “Cthulhu’s Garden” and was unnerved by “The Summoner of Khalk’ru.”
If you’re in the mood for another group of Lovecraftian horror stories, give Will Murray’s third volume a try. GRADE: B+
The Furnace of Yeb
What Ghouls These Portals Be
Kingsport Tea
The Pokkuri Pattern
The House at One Tower Way
The Shadow Over Uxmal
Miss Hitchbone Reclaims Her Own
The Caller in the Cupboard
Cthulhu’s Garden
The Summoner of Khalk’ru
Into the Blackest Beyond
Why am I picturing Ringo singing “Cthulhu’s Garden”?
He does turn out a lot of these stories, doesn’t he?
Yesterday I picked up ( which was no mean feat) James Sallis’s 820 page(!) BRIGHT SEGMENTS, his complete collection of his short stories, many of which I’ve previously read. 11 of them are published here for the first time. I have the Kindle edition on hold in Brooklyn, so will switch to that when it comes in.
Also reading, and very much enjoying, Curtis Sittenfeld’s new collection, SHOW DON’T TELL, which I was able to get on the Cloud Library from Palm Beach County where the regular book has a long waiting list here and in Brooklyn.
Jeff, Diane’s Book Club has read several of Curtis Sittenfeld’s books. I’m sure they’ll be considering SHOW DON’T TELL. Speaking of Big Fat Books, I just stumbled over my lost copy of AMOS WALKER: THE COMPLETE SHORT STORIES which weighs in at 645 pages! It was mis-shelved.
Thanks for the heads-up, Jeff! I like Sallis’s work a lot. I’m sure I’ve missed a bunch of the stories collected in that bugcrusher, however.
Todd, I’ve enjoyed Tallis’s work as much as you and Jeff have. I’ll have to track down that bug crusher!
I will eventually need to read these…if my eyes hold out!
Todd, many of our friends are getting cataract surgery lately. Diane and I are a year or two away…but it’s looming.