Dmitri Alperovitch is a member of a national security think tank. He is also cofounder of Crowdstrike, one of the world’s largest cybersecurity companies. Alperovitch believes China is preparing for a 2028 invasion of Taiwan. He provides the data that leads him to this conclusion.

Alperovitch suggests several strategies to prepare for this eventuality…and perhaps dissuade China from taking this world order destabilizing step. But we have to act quickly!

Alperovitch believes China plans the Taiwan invasion as a result of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Alperovitch’s analysis of the U.S. and NATO response to Putin’s actions only gives China incentives to prepare to conquer Taiwan. One way China might be deterred from their Taiwan plans is if Ukraine “wins” against Russia. If the U.S. and NATO can provide the weapons and resources for the Ukrainians to stop the Russian advances into their territory, China may re-think their Taiwan plans.

So far, both the U.S. and NATO have not done a good job providing the Ukrainians with the resources they need to resist Russian aggression. That leads China in believing if they attack Taiwan, the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific won’t support Taiwan enough to stop the Chinese invasion.

My favorite chapter in World on the Brink is Chapter 4: They Are Weaker Than We Think. Alperovitch’s analysis of Chinese politics and culture show significant problems. The major problem is China does not have advanced computer chips that make Western military weapons so sophisticated and and powerful. That could be a turning point in an attack on Taiwan if the island nation has better weaponry. Chinese leaders know that a long war could be a threat to their Government.

Alperovitch calculates that if the U.S. can keep its allies united, China will continue to procrastinate with their military plans. Also, if the U.S. can stay focused and avoid the gaffs committed in the past year with failures to supply Ukraine adequately, disaster might be avoided. What do you think? GRADE: A


Prologue: A Dispatch from the Future 1

Introduction 13

Part I Cold War II, a New Era

Chapter 1 The Road to the Brink 31

Chapter 2 Distracted and Disoriented 67

Chapter 3 The Taiwan Dilemma 95

Chapter 4 They Are Weaker Than We Think 139

Chapter 5 We Are Stronger Than We Think 169

Part II A Game Plan for Victory

Chapter 6 Step One-Enable Innovation 191

Chapter 7 Step Two-Defend Innovation 257

Chapter 8 Step Three-Say Yes to Our Friends 299

Chapter 9 Step Four-Say No to Distractions 329

Conclusion 353

Acknowledgments 363

Source Notes 367


  1. Cap'n Bob

    I have a special place in my heart for Taiwan, having taken my R&R there in 1968! I also think that Biden would never provide the toughness and leadership to turn away aggressors and having him in office would be a disaster in the event of Chinese aggression!

    1. Todd Mason

      Meanwhile, Drumpf is a collaborator with fascists worldwide, definitely Putin and Xi, among the lesser “lights”…as is his party these years…as I live with a Taiwanese American woman, whose parents were immigrants getting away from then-fascist Taiwan, the currently democratic Taiwan being taken over by increasing fascist China is not desirable at all…and Donnie will do squat about it, for a range of bad reasons. Meanwhile, China is trying to flex its muscle against all its neighbors, which might not work out as well as they’d like.

    1. george Post author

      Fred, Dmitri Alperovitch isn’t a Government guy. He’s a think tank guy. But, it would be a Good Thing if the U.S. State Department would listen to him.

    1. george Post author

      Jerry, China loves “useful idiots” like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gaetz and Jim Jordon and all the fools in the House.

  2. Patricia Abbott

    This comes pretty far down on my list of worries: just getting through this election with a viable candidate is on my mind. And neither candidate really strikes me as viable any longer. And my next worry would be climate change, which is getting short shrift except from young activists.

      1. Todd Mason

        I’m really not sure why this seems so inevitable to you, or Deb…it was a pretty half-assed attempt. FWIW, the SS claims that they had word that the sniper had been shot and there was no evidence of any others before they let Trump stand up. Maybe not so, but maybe so. The whole thing does seem like a real shit-show.

        Nobody not already in the Trump cult is going to see him as a hero for getting his ear pierced, particularly if his endless calls for violence are noted at all competently, which is, sadly, probably beyond most of the corporate “news” media.

      1. george Post author

        Bob, I thing I learned from WORLD ON THE BRINK is that China is trillions of dollars in debt! I had no idea China was in precarious financial straits!

      2. Todd Mason

        What millions from China do you refer to, Bob?

        Trump has already claimed that Xi is “good” people. As why would DT, being who he is, not do so?

  3. Todd Mason

    There is not, and has never been, a single good excuse for the Electoral College to exist, and ridding ourselves of it would not be that difficult. Seems unlikely we would ever have had several of our worst presidents without it, not least rumpled Trumpkin.

    The very fact that some small figure of voters in heavily-split states can overcome the majority of votes nationally, or that an often huge amount of votes in each state are simply discarded, is a crime against all of us. But it does let the big parties luxuriate in the fantasy of truly “safe states”…

    1. george Post author

      Todd, for the Democrats, it’s all going to come down to Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. If the Blue Wall doesn’t hold, Trump wins.


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