I’ve watched several Spider-Man animated series over the years so I was in the target market for this new retro-Spider-Man series on Disney+. Peter Parker is voiced by Hudson Thames and the teenager is tormented by teen-age angst. He’s in love with his former baby-sitter…who shows no interest in his affections. Parker is always late to class and yearns to study robotics.

While there are variations from the classic Spider-Man origin story, the bite from a radioactive spider stays the same. Parker must adjust to his new super-powers while protecting his secret identity. And, hopefully, he’ll get a less kludgy Spider-Man suit (above).

Disney+ will release new episodes on Wednesdays and this season, consisting of 10 episodes, will explore a reality where Norman Osborn becomes Peter’s mentor instead of Tony Stark. Are you a fan of Spider-Man? GRADE: Incomplete (but trending towards a B)

13 thoughts on “YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN, Season 1 [Disney+]

  1. Fred Blosser

    Fan? Yes, of the original Lee/Ditko run in the comics. I bailed shortly after Steve left and Romita became the artist. So I have no insight into the 60 (?!) years since. I’ve seen all the movies but my interest in those is middling.

    1. george Post author

      Patti, when I first read SPIDER-MAN comic books in the 1960s, I was drawn to the fact that Peter Parker was a teenager with teen-age problems. Since I was a teenager at that time, I could totally relate! Most of the other Super Heroes were adults.

  2. Cap'n Bob

    I was a big fan of the original comic books! Never warmed up to the cartoons! I only saw the first two or three movies, which were okay! I don’t care for the S-M shown in the illo you presented! An aside: I could have bought an Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spidey’s first appearance) or S-M #1 for $15 each during my time as a comic collector! I didn’t because I thought they were too expensive! Same as the $300 for a Detective #27–first Batman appearance. Had I but known!

    1. george Post author

      Bob, I had a copy of FANTASTIC FOUR #1…which my mother disposed of while I was away at Summer Camp. Fantastic Four #1’s the highest recorded sale of the book was $1500 back in April 2022.

  3. Jerry+House

    Once upon a time I owned AMAZINGFANTAST #15 and FANTASTIC FOUR #1, along with over a thousand comic books. We sold them to help pay for our first daughter. I think we got the better of the deal.

  4. Todd Mason

    I never loved the Parker character…I tended to like the DC heroes (and quasi-heroes such as the Spectre) more, though did dig the WEREWOLF-BY-NIGHT Protag. And bought a few mid-’70s Hulk/SubMariner comics. While I did enjoy the Captain Marvel (and Isis) tv series in that decade, none of the Spidey cartoons sucked me in, though the live action (including the repurposed vignettes on THE ELECTRIC COMPANY) were fitfully amusing in my childhood. Have sat through a few of the films in recent years, as pleasant enough.

    Thanks for hipping us to this. I suspect this first uniform/costume was inspired in part by KICK-ASS.

    1. george Post author

      Todd, yes, the costume in YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN is a shout-out to KICK-ASS. I’m sure the costume will be “modified” in future episodes.


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