I try to read a book a day. I also try to make $1000 in the stock market each trading day–but that doesn’t always work out. I don’t have a cell phone (they’re instruments of the Devil) and I despise “Call Waiting” (which is cutting in line). As of December 30, 2016 I’ve Retired from a 40-year teaching career as a College Professor. I am dedicated to finding a Good Home for the 30,000 books in my basement.
Hi George, just a quickie to say that I have nominated your fab blog for the WordPress Family Award – all the best, Sergio
Sergio, thank you so much for your kind nomination. But it’s the great posts by folks like you that make this blog what it is!
Hi George…. Something made me think of my mother, Ellen Nehr, and her love of DAPA-EM. I thought I would search and found the site where it was said it had ended in 2011. I read the comments mentioning my mother and the list of the members of whom so many were dear friends of her. I remember the days when it came in the mail. Believe me, she was not to be disturbed while she eagerly read it.
The thing that made my husband and I start talking about this was seeing some stained glass artwork on Pawn Stars this evening. About 24 years ago, I had a lady I met at a craft show make a small stained glass hanging for a Christmas present for my mom. It said, DAPA-EM with a knife dripping blood between the words. After she died, I think my dad said he sent it to Art Scott. Would you happen to have his email address? I am just wondering if he still has it.
Nell (Nehr) Hambrick
Hi George!
I thought I’d put the following remarks here since they would be OT at your currents comments:
I’m so happy to have found a “similar soul”, had to read half a year (almost) of your entries, especially since I’m a big SF fan (you already know that) and also admire the USA (in a way – not everything), especially the music and (some of) the films. Here in Southern Germany near the Black Forest it’s been raining all day so I had time enough while my wife read some SF on her new kindle …
Please keep up the good work!
There are a lot of uncanny similarities – like you I’ve been using a CPAP machine for many years …
Wolf, you’ll find a lot of similar souls on this blog. And, you’ll find some great diversity, too! Without my CPAP I wouldn’t be around right now.
Searching for material on one of my favorite writers, Joseph Epstein, I found your site by Google images. How “accidental” is that? As I get older, he gets better. I, too, discovered him through American Scholar. In fact, he even answered a letter I sent him, in my best cursive. I hold his postcard reply, in cursive, precious. PS:I tried C-PAP for nearly two years. I now hate it…. Please take a look at my WordPress site. You will not be disappointed. Jim
James, I’m a huge fan of Joseph Epstein! I’ve read all of his books. I’ll be reviewing his A LITERARY EDUCATION SOON. I have some correspondence with various writers. It’s always a thrill when they respond. And, some have commented on this blog so that’s great, too! I’ll check out your blog.
I tried your email, but it came back. I thought you would like to read this:
Dear Mr. O’Neil,
I was able to download it after all. The blog is nicely written, and very pleasing to me, its subject. I’m most grateful to you.
Best, Joseph Epstein
> From: joseph Epstein
> Date: September 6, 2016 8:24:06 AM CDT
> To: glassings1225@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Axios Press] Visitor email: Making Contact with Joseph Epstein
> Dear Mr. O’Neil,
> Alas, I was unable to download your blog. Is there any form in which you can send it to me.
> Best wishes, Joseph Epstein
> On Sep 6, 2016, at 8:19 AM, Jody Banks wrote:
>> Joe,
>> Just forwarding this to you as requested by Mr. O’Neil.
>> Jody
>> Axios Press
>> —–Original Message—–
>> From: axiosin@host26.registrar-servers.com
>> [mailto:axiosin@host26.registrar-servers.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2016 1:15 PM
>> To: info@axiosinstitute.org
>> Subject: [Axios Press] Visitor email: Making Contact with Joseph Epstein
> Subject: Making Contact with Joseph Epstein
>> Message Body:
>> I would appreciate your sending an email to Mr Epstein with my blog address
>> and email address. Also I am including two links to blogs that I have
>> published. I have just finished reading A Literary Education. I agree the
>> book is well bound and handsome. Thank you. blog =
>> htpps://www.memoriesofatime.com
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__memoriesofatime.com_2013_05_27_why-2Di-2Dread_&d=CwICAg&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=6zOwN0JRE-zzMqWl4xPh5qoeu9EDurUjvYnSaUr4Wss&m=_Tfi6qFPsfr1KUpUz8yaATjdgoW3pD442rHre8-E8Qo&s=QS8Ixx-D9iHAq6ZSblpdI6dAF4cdGBTOAoxteb0vhZ8&e= [Why I am an Epstein-ite]
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__memoriesofatime.com_2016_02_03_who-2Dis-2Djoseph-2Depstein-2Dshould-2Di-2Dcare_&d=CwICAg&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=6zOwN0JRE-zzMqWl4xPh5qoeu9EDurUjvYnSaUr4Wss&m=_Tfi6qFPsfr1KUpUz8yaATjdgoW3pD442rHre8-E8Qo&s=r1AzbKa5CbFYXXNldUtXD89PjN0rDVwYv8_Q-qqobzY&e=
>> [Who Is Joseph Epstein? Should I Care?]
>> Sat, 03 Sep 2016 13:14:49|Redirect URI: /contact.sendmail.html|
>> on port 17910|Using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:48.0)
>> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0
James, my email account wasn’t working for a few days. It’s up and running now. Thanks for the links!
George, I tried to comment several times but got an error message from wordpress – now I’m trying here.
Ignore/delete this if the error is fixed.
George, the same problem today – can’t post a comment on “hip pain”. Got any idea what’s wrong?
Wolf, I think the Server was acting up. I think it’s fixed now.
Tried again – didn’t work …
Wolf, maybe Donald Trump is blocking International email as well as building his Wall.
George, I guess you could edit your self description to day you’re retired. I mean, if you wanted to.
Rick, you’re right. I should acknowledge I’m Retired even though I don’t feel much different.
First and foremost congratulations on retirement. I’ve been meaning to get into contact with you so I hope this gets to the right place. Email me back when you get the chance!
Francesa, I’ll send you an email today.
Hello Mr Kelley:
My friend and Companion in Trouble (re old books) Jim Melsna sent me a link to your MASTERPIECES OF MYSTERIES page since we had been discussing them, and I’m very glad to have “found” you, yet another bookcrazy retiree with never enough books in their life. -grin- Just wanted to say thank you, and Keep Up the Good Work re. reviewing, etc.
Abbey, glad you enjoy my blog! There’s something new posted here everyday. We all welcome your comments.
Just came across a reference in an old DAPA-EM to a story you told about Art Scott getting kicked oit of a smut shop for crawling on the floor. That is, I saw the reference but not the story itself.
Dan, Art Scott used to visit Western NY as part of job. If Art had time, I’d take him to various bookstores in Buffalo and Canada. On the trip you’re referring to, I took Art to the Ken-Bailey Bookstore in a seedy side of town. The Ken-Bailey Bookstore specialized in Adult material. Art was mostly interested in old sleazy paperbacks. And, Art found quite a few before the paranoid owner decided Art must be an undercover cop and kicked him out of the store. I managed to escape the owner’s wrath (my professorial demeanor worked to my advantage). I rescued a stack of sleaze Art had piled up so the outing wasn’t a complete failure. Art could probably supply a few more details to the incident.
Thanks! You could write that up as a short story.
Dan, I’m sure Art is still dreaming of the sleaze that got away from him at the Ken-Bailey bookstore.
Professor Kelley,
As a fellow retired college prof, I especially hope you will read my latest, , Newport Ave. (noir crime from Hickey’s Books, March 2018, 272 pages, available in trade paper and ebook).
The story in brief: hoping to save his sister from her mob-connected ex, a wanted man returns to his hometown and encourages a Sunday school teacher to murder. The novel features strong Christian themes.
My previous novels, with Viking, St. Martin’s, and Poisoned Pen Press, have earned much praise and many awards.
For a press release with cover image and review copy request, go to: http://www.hickeybooks.com/newport-pr
Many thanks,
Ken, I’ll give NEWPORT AVE. a try. Thanks for the heads up. I’m not familiar with Hickey’s Books.
I found this gem of a blog by searching for “Earth is but a Star” by John Brunner — ironically by reading about it in a Moorcock letter in Elric:Stealer of Souls. I highly approve of your Forgotten Book series of posts, and have read your latest two dozen posts and thought well of them.
I’d like to propose a decisively underrated book and series for you: “Curse of the Mistwraith”, book 1 of “The Wars of Light and Shadow: series, by Janny Wurts. I’d describe it as fantasy with levels within levels, with twists and subsequent revelations arising from subtleties planted very cleverly. She’s also the artist of her own covers, each of which also hint at story elements.
The current book, “Destiny’s Conflict” is the penultimate novel of the series, published for just a few months. It’s the first one also published as an audiobook. It has been touted as the most shocking and relentless of the entire series. I would highly recommend this series to anyone.
I’ve lived in Huntsville, Alabama, USA for 20 years and work at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
Suman, thank you for your kind words! I will track down a copy of CURSE OF THE MISTWRAITH by Janny Wurts. Sounds great! I’ll also have more reviews of John Brunner’s works in the months ahead.
…still waiting with bated breath to find out what you made of Broken Meats, the second Harry Stubbs…!
David, you might see a review of BROKEN MEATS next week! I’m just finishing another Lovecraftian novel, DEEP ROOTS by Ruthanna Emrys, the latest in her Innsmouth Legacy.
Thank you for your review of “Blood Works.” The book was truly a labor of love.
Gary, not only was BLOOD WORK a labor of Love, it honors a great guy who helped a lot of people. I enjoyed “I’m With It: A Love Story.” Nice job!
Hello George,
I would like to contact you by email.
Is there a good address I could use?
Here is mine:
Thanks very much,
Elgin Bleecker
The Dark Time
Elgin, you can reach me at: kelleyg@ecc.edu
Hi George, I hope you’re well!
I’m emailing from Bookouture, a leading digital publisher in London, and would love to speak to you about potentially joining our blogger database. Please do let me know if there is an email address I can contact you on; alternatively, my email address is attached with this message so would love to hear from you
Thanks! C.
It seems it is become difficult to buy books in USA and be sure they arrive in France. I would like to have your text about my old friend Marvin H. Albert, and the one of Marv Lachman about the great Ed Lacy.
Could you send me PDF?
On my side, I may send you issues of my fanzine Hard Boiled Dicks (Robert Finnegan, for exemple, because it’s full of rare material about William Paul Ryan/Mike Quin/Robert Finnegan).
Hoping this “deal” seems to you equitable,
With my best regards,
Roger Martin
Roger, I would be happy to send you PDFs of my article on Marvin H. Albert and Marv Lachman’s article on Ed Lacy. But first, I’ll have to find them. I have a large (and somewhat disorganized) book collection. Give me a few days to search and I’ll hopefully send you the material you want. When you receive them, you can send me anything you like. Your HARD BOILED DICKS fanzine sounds wonderful!
I’m impressed with your website and would be grateful if you would consider reviewing and sharing my debut thriller Tight Lies to the community.
Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher books endorses it as ‘Hard, Fast and Really Good!’
This is the link on Amazon http://mybook.to/tightlies
The author website is http://www.ted-denton.com and on Twitter/ Instagram page my handle is TedDentonWrites
Look forward to hearing from you on anything further you may need from me.
All the best,
Ted, I’ll track down a copy of TIGHT LIES and you many be seeing a review on this blog sometime soon.
Hi, I hope this is the George Kelley that I know from the NT Aquatic’s Center. It’s Glenn and I just wanted to chat for a bit. Books, TV, booze… Hope you and yours are well. I’ll check back here for messages. Sorry, but I just remembered you had this blog.
The Big Water Guy
Glenn, glad to hear from you! Books, I’m reading up a storm! TV, I’m caught up on all the CW DC series. Booze…I just bought a case of RUBY wine in case shortages continue. Hope you and your wife are doing well! Hope you enjoy my blog. I post something new every day.
Hi George, I’m blazing through all the graphic novels I’ve neglected while working. Going to start on either the new Patricia Briggs or Kevin Hearne book. There is even a new Slayer series I’ve been eyeing, but I’m saving that for a bit. I’ll check out your posts in between checking on my classes. Not much traffic there, but it’s all I can do. Best to the family and see you when everything reopens.
Glenn, I’ve got some Jim Butcher books I haven’t read stacked up in the On Deck circle. Like you, I miss the Pool.
I’ve been scouring Jim B’s site and found some short stories he drops in on Tuesdays in what he’s calling the “Year of Dresden” since it’s the 20th anniversary of when he first published The Dresden Files first novel. His new book isn’t out till July 14th, but I may reread one or 3 of my earlier favorites. I just picked up a compilation of shorts from various authors with one from him I haven’t read yet. Trying not to burn through everything right now, but if it’s burn through my stash or join the pandemic crowd, then books here I come. I miss the pool, but you know I really miss the whirlpool since our friend is no longer a problem. Off to the stacks.
Glenn, glad you’re doing well. I’m busy reading books I’ve had on my shelves for years. I haven’t read all The Dresden Files books, so I have those to look forward to! Stay well!
George, I’m envious of reading Dresden for the first time. The character development is great. I had just re-watched the TV series (meh) before all this started, but it was a fix until the new novel comes out. It was great to see minor characters that Butcher turned into MAJOR players in the series. Just started Letter to the King on Netflix and so far not bad. Said it was based on a book, but I haven’t looked it up yet. Maybe after I’m done. OK, I’ll let you get back to reading. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, I read the first four novels in THE DRESDEN FILES series in a hurry, then decided to read the rest of the series more slowly to savor the excellence. Looking forward to seeing you at the Pool soon! Stay Safe!
Glenn, I don’t know if you know this, but TWO new DRESDEN FILES novels are going to be published this year. Here’s the link: https://www.tor.com/2020/03/24/jim-butcher-announces-new-dresden-files-book-battle-ground/?utm_source=exacttarget&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_term=tordotcom-tordotcomnewsletter&utm_content=na-readblog-blogpost&utm_campaign=tordotcom&e=4069195d393b4e77c3f7a748fe902db34c5a05588df5b0fe97d5e364ee69d5dd
Hey George, I didn’t know this one! They slipped it in a trailer I wasn’t able to watch. I’ll go back and see if I can see it myself. Great Find!! Thanks.
Ordering it now…Don’t tell my wife…
Glenn, what happens in North Tonawanda stays in North Tonawanda! What a nice surprise from Jim Butcher!
Hello again,
Yes, I’ll have to drop JB a note, but I don’t want to interrupt him when he might be writing/reading. Going through the Supernatural series and am on book 6. They really have the tone and patter between the brothers pretty close to the series. I’ve been binge watching Comic Book Men and for laughs watched the Tremors movies. If this goes much longer, Sharknado here I come. Hope all is well and our wives put up with us.
Glenn, Diane and I are doing well. Today I’m driving to St. Mary’s Hospital in Lewiston to donate 3 CPAP breathing machines. We gave up on NANCY DREW and are moving on to other TV series that we’ve DVRed. I’m about to start reading DEATH MASKS by Jim Butcher. Stay well!
Hi George, I was thinking about CPAP machines as respirators, but i only have my one. Just started Patricia Briggs new one “Smoke Bitten” and so far I’m enthralled. I’m watching “Murdoch Mysteries” again just to pass the time, but will start on the new Buffy books soon. I can hardly wait. Sad commentary on the world when I’m feeling guilty about having enough time to read the books I want… kind of…lol. Sort of just got a Burgess Meredith vibe when I wrote that. I hope you get the reference, but who am I kidding, you get it. I’m going to donate blood since I’m AB pos and have been in isolation for 14 days. Stay well and let me know if you need any wine.
Glenn, I bought a couple cases of Ruby wine at the beginning of the coronavirus scare so I’m in good shape. Thanks for the offer! When I was covered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield they would BUY me a CPAP machine and every 5-7 years, buy me a new CPAP machine! That was Cadillac coverage! With Independent Health, I have to “rent” the CPAP machine. Bummer.
If you start to run short of things to read, let me know. I could put together a Coronavirus CARE package and leave it on your porch. I’ve been working in my basement and I’ve unearthed some books and graphic novels you would enjoy. Stay safe!
Hey George,
Just got word that a friend’s mother, who I knew, died of C-19. She showed symptoms last Wednesday and passed away Saturday night. Wow, this just became real. I hope you and your wife are being careful. If there is anything you need, I can pick it up and drop it off, no problem. They just cancelled regents exams and extended the school at least till April 29th. The gov can only close the schools 15 days at a time, so it’s a waiting game. Speaking of politics and the pandemic (Title of the novel I’m thinking of), the wife and I just finished watching the 1971 classic “Andromeda Strain”. I never read the book, but I love the film. My wife said it would have been better if it wasn’t a mirror of the world around us…lol 50 years later, it holds up and is just plain scary in light of what’s going on with politics and the world now. Anyway, I was just checking in and was thinking of stopping by to leave you my number. Let me know if that would be OK. I’d hate to cut into your reading time. Stay well and let me know if you need anything, like a Buffy graphic novel…
Glenn, I read the ANDROMEDA STRAIN before it was a movie! Like you, I loved it. And, yes, it does hold up because the author did his homework and that knowledge of pandemics still work today.
Sure, if you want to stop by that would be great! Let’s set up a time so I can put a Coronavirus CARE package on the porch for you!
Hi George, I’m going out at about 2:30. I have some mowing to do before it rains, but I’ll check back here to see what time works for you. I’ll bring over something you’ll enjoy too. See you soon.
Hey George,
Good actually seeing you thought the front door yesterday. I ran home, but missed the live stuff on Jim Butcher’s site, but found this interview with him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V9am4XyYz4 I’m in the middle of watching it, but love watching his interviews. Again, I feel a kinship to him since I am unable to get anything video chatting-wise working on my computer. Love all the “device not detected” warnings. if school wants to buy me a new computer for home use… Not happening. OK, hope to hear from you soon.
Glenn, it was great to see you yesterday. Thanks for DYLAN DOO! I’ll be reading it soon. Look for a review on this blog in the next week or so. And thanks for the Jim Butcher link! I do have that DELL All-in-One computer that you and your wife might be interested in. I’d be happy to gift it to you! Stay safe!
Hey George, Thanks for the offer, but I feel most comfortable as a Luddite. I’m a big fan of Dells and HPs, whichever one is on sale on Woot.com. With the indoor life closing in and the current choices in movies, my wife and I just watched Gemini Man and I would give it a solid B. It was interesting and without knowing the source might be a novel, I believe Will Smith did a good job as both older and younger. If you haven’t seen it or you know the book and are afraid WS has again butchered a story’s actual intent and plot, I’d say it was good enough to pass a night. I”m going to take a lighter walk back down another series, Scrubs. If you haven’t seen the episode “My Cabbage” it has a great clip on how disease is spread. I’m leaving it here for your perusal. Enjoy.
Glenn https://tvline.com/2020/03/16/scrubs-video-how-disease-spreads-social-distancing/
Glenn, thanks for the link! I’m watching WATCHMEN on HBO. I’m on Episode 6 (of 9).
Hey George,
We just started the HBO trials and I saw it, but I’m a little miffed at their BS since they are only offering their series and not movies in the special. A fact we discovered when we tried to watch something last night. After much swearing and cursing, I went to Redbox and got the movie Good Boys. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d check it out. It’s even funnier the second time around. Totally worth the trip. Still trying to see what this “distance learning” thing is really supposed to be, but as usual chickens continue to run around with heads off and trying to point at anyone but themselves. Happy Easter and talk to you soon.
Hey George,
Haven’t heard from you in a few and am just checking in. Almost done the the new Buffy-verse book Slayer and will have my humble opinion on it soon. Sorry, still read slightly less per day than you, but am happy at the speed. I hope all is well and you are enjoying the peace. BTW, how did the kitchen counter turn out? I hope it was done before all this crap hit. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, things are going well here. Gary called me yesterday. He’s fine, but bored with the Stay-at-Home lifestyle. And–surprise!–Carmelina called me, too! The kitchen renovations were completed just before the coronavirus hit. Nice timing! You can read all about it here: http://georgekelley.org/dianes-new-kitchen-before-and-after/
Stay safe!
Hey George, The kitchen looks good. Now might be the time to look at some Youtube videos and do some of your own household projects… Sorry, I’m picturing your face reading that last one..lol I’m planning several projects now including cleaning out the garage and rebuilding the old deck. When I get started I’ll post some pics of before and after. Not big on posting stuff, but I’ve been working on class stuff and am really astounded on how few people actually read what is written. Mostly students, but others too. You didn’t mention Adrian, so I hope he is doing well too. I drove by the gym and in a random act of silliness, the car chargers are all working. I was thinking of plugging in and walking around the parking lot to justify the charge. OK, stay safe and give me a call if you want to chat. Just started “A Blight of Blackwings” by Kevin Hearne and so far am loving it. Really worth the wait. Let me know it you need any of his books. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, I met with Adrian on Saturday for our weekly exchange of WALL STREET JOURNALs. I also included a JAZZ CD and some zucchini bread. Glad the car chargers are working! While you’re reading Kevin Hearne, I’m reading Jim Butcher. I’ll give you a call later this week.
Hey George,
Are you just getting to Jim Butcher or is this a reread? If for the first time, then I’m jealous. I keep thinking about all the books I’ve enjoyed over the years(decades?) and love the twists and turns I’ve discovered when engrossed by them. I’m glad Adrian is doing well and safe. Blight of Blackwings is turning into a real spy novel, which is a bit different for Hearne, but he brings the characters along well and the depth of the characters is wonderful. Although we are in uncharted territory and no one really has any definite answers that are helpful, we are being told to plunge ahead and make it up as we go along. I’m going to treat this like an opinion and figure that as long as I’m doing something, it is OK. LALALALALALALALA… Stay safe and talk to you soon.
Glenn, I plan on calling you today, probably in the afternoon since I’m sure you’re busy teaching all morning. We can talk about Jim Butcher and Kevin Hearne! Stay safe!
Hi George. The best laid plans… No worries. I am wrestling with an investment question with the author Jim C. Hines. He’s launching a kickstarter for his new book and would love to contribute, but would love to pick your brain about which level I want to invest in. Obviously, this would be a wonderful birthday and Christmas present to myself, but can’t pull the trigger. Looking forward to our exchange on Jim and Kevin plus my most recent binge watching this weekend. School work tomorrow, but would love any interruption. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, I met with Adrian on Saturday at the Pool parking lot. Along with the Wall Street Journals, I added a couple John Wayne DVDs I found. Adrian is a huge fan of John Wayne westerns! I’ll try to give you a call today around 4 P.M.
Hey George, I think I told you that if Rio Bravo is on, I am almost compelled to watch whatever part is remaining on TV. Something about singing cowboys and a young Angie Dickenson that I am just enamored with. Everyone wants to talk about toxic masculinity when they talk about John Wayne movies, but if you watch them, his characters are very compassionate and well balanced. Some of Gibbs’ Rules come directly from JW quotes. However, I think that the spanking scenes in McClintock might negate some of my argument. I am also really partial to The Quiet Man since it shows the struggles of a man with martial skills holding back as best he can and being haunted by a mistake he made in judgement. If more of today’s movies had more tension of soul instead of explosions and gun fights, maybe young men today could have better ideas about how to act in the world. I’m making my long held beliefs more of a personal mantra which more people should adopt when dealing with other people and their beliefs. “Don’t be a dick”. That’s it. It’s not 10 Commandments, or 4 Pillars, but a simple statement on how to behave. OK, I’ve been writing for a bit and need to take a break. Almost done with KH’s book and really loving it, but will be sorry when it’s done. Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,
Glenn, I’m a RIO BRAVO fan, too. Here’s my review: http://georgekelley.org/rio-bravo-dvd/
I met with Adrian yesterday. He really wants to get out and play golf, but the courses are too wet. Maybe next week. I’m reading DYLAN DOG and loving it! Talk to you later this week!
Hey George,
Happy Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you. Yeah, Dylan Dog is trippy, but a great story. I would think that the creators were a heavy influence on John Constantine. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, thanks again for DYLAN DOG! I’m enjoying John Constantine on LEGENDS OF TOMORROW. I’ll be sad when the DC TV shows wrap up in a couple of weeks.
George, Don’t be too sad. Stargirl will be starting up on the 19th and the cast looks good. If you haven’t watched Teen Titans, it will do in a pinch, but honestly their cast and costume choices are like someone heard about the comics, but never saw them. In that vein, Tarzan will be re-released and he’ll be a woman with LBGTQ+ characterizations and Cheeta will be a Labradoodle… I’ll be I could sell that to Fox or some other 2 tier network for retirement money. Stay well and hear from you soon.
Glenn, I’m looking forward to STARGIRL after THE FLASH and LEGIONS OF TOMORROW have their Season Finales next week. I’ll pass on TEEN TITANS and TARZAN. I’m almost done reading DYLAN DOG. Thanks again!
Stay safe!
PS. Your clock isn’t set for DST.
Glenn, my APPLE computer used to adjust the time automatically. I’ll have to go in and fix it manually.
Hey George,
I’ve always been a PC guy, which considering anyone who knows me means pretty clear. Just finished The Flash season finale and am left a little flat with it. First of all, a “To Be Continued”? I hate those as season endings. What if they get cancelled? I’m wondering if they got caught not being able to finish it off due to the pandemic. Next week, we lose Supergirl, Batwoman, and Legends. This means I’m going to have to watch Stargirl and I’m going to give it my usual 5 episodes. Reading a steampunk series and on book 2. If you haven’t been to Jim Butcher’s site, look at his short fiction he has been writing for the Year of Dresden. He’s been asking for fans to suggest ideas for his short fiction. Thinking of joining and suggesting a few things. Who knows. I’ll talk to you soon,
Stay safe,
Glenn, like you I was disappointed by the Season Finale of THE FLASH. I’m hoping Killer Frost is not going to be leaving the series. And, Joe being “reinforcements”…really! Weak.
I may have to suggest some story ideas to Jim Butcher. I’ll give you a call later in the week. Stay safe!
Hey George,
I know I’m more into collecting autographs than you might be, but FANEXPO is having a 25% off sale on their site until the 18th. Worth a look if there is someone you really want an autograph from and don’t intend to travel…lol. I’ve spent a few pennies today and am trying not to go back, but for who I collected today, I’m happy. Remember to tell Adrian I hope he looks as awful as usual…lol. Really, I do hope he stays safe and to practice with his putter at home…again…lol. My suggestions for Jim Butcher were for a story about Butters and Michael, but I didn’t see one about the bartender. His back story has been eating at me for 16 book now. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, I’ll be meeting Adrian today to give him Wall Street JOURNALs, some DVDs, a Jazz CD, and some Chocolate Chip Cookies that Diane baked for him. I know Subterranean Press also offers books signed by the authors. You might want to check out their web site and see if they have any signed Jim Butcher books On Sale. I’ll call you next week!
Hey George,
Not too thrilled with Stargirl and I hope they majorly 180 Legends next week. Going to give Stargirl my usual 5 episodes until I finally judge it. On the upside, i just saw Agent’s of Shield starts on the 27th. Yeah!!! Still battling what to watch, but at least there is a new Patton Oswald special on Netflix. If you haven’t watched any, I’d give it a big thumbs up. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, I was impressed with the Villains that STARGIRL will face in future episodes. I also like the giant robot Luke Wilson gets to run around in! Like you, I’m excited about AGENTS OF SHIELD returning on the 27th! I’ll give you a call later in the week!
Stay safe!
Barnstormer Winery is having a 25% off on cases sale this weekend. A $6 shipping on 4 or more with the code SPRINGSHIP. This is the winery that had the port you liked with the chocolate. I got what I could and there are plenty of sweet wines there that I think you would enjoy. I watched Stargirl again and do agree that the villans are more interesting than some other DC shows. Most notably Batwoman. Seriously doubting if that will last. Talk to you soon.
Glenn, thanks for the tip about Barnstormer! I’ll check it out. You’ll be happy to hear that STUMPTOWN has been renewed for another season! I plan to call you later today. Adrian and I will meet in the Aquatic Center parking lot tomorrow at 11 A.M.
Stay safe!
Hey George,
BTW still totally impressed by the article and didn’t know we were UB alums. News about wine tip yesterday: it arrived today!!!! I was completely shocked and we finished 2 whites tonight… OK, so the sale is still on? I hope things with Adrian went well. I am looking forward to watching Agents this week and Stargirl 2 and if you haven’t seen it, I’m going to be watching Loose Cannons tomorrow night. Love Dan Akroyd and Gene Hackman. If you haven’t seen it, i can include it in the care package after tomorrow night when we watch it. Talk to you later.
Stay safe.
Glenn, the sale is still on. I’ll have to put my order in today. Adrian is fine. Diane baked him some brownies so he’s delighted! Yes, LOOSE CANNONS is fun. Like you, I’m looking forward to AGENTS OF SHIELD and STARGIRL. Hope to see you soon!
Stay safe!
Hey George,
My binge of the week is going to be 2 seasons of Somebody Please Feed Phil on Netflix. The much awaited new season is coming out on Friday and I wholly recommend it if you want an enjoyable watch. I’ve seen it before several times, but the host’s attitude is infectious, probably a better word to use during a pandemic, but accurate. Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,
Glenn, I’m about to binge on a 7-DVD set of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. No, this is NOT Tom Cruise, it’s the original First Season TV show with 26 episodes. Adrian was pleased by the Wall Street Journals, movies, and music CDs I gave him. And, Diane baked him Brownies. Yum!
Stay safe!
Hey George, I am a huge Martin Landau fan and love the original MI series. As a kid, when someone pulled off that false face, I was rapt! I continued watching his stuff with Space 1999 and even in later years with his appearances on The X-Files. Did you know his daughter is a Buffy alum? Juliette Landau who played Drucilla is his daughter. Anywho, finished watching Stargirl last night and then a second time this morning and am really on board with the show. I love the bad guys and love the last 2 minutes. True CW cliffhangers… I love how she gives Pat his new sidekick name(I will never post spoilers) and constantly comments on “working on names” about older heroes and villains. Honestly, I’ve had some of the same laughs over older nomenclature, (Seriously, The Whizzer with a bright yellow costume?), but I guess that was a different time. And, can’t wait for the finale of Legends, since I saw that it was renewed!!!!! OK, off to beat the heat for a bit. Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,
Glenn, I’m excited about AGENTS OF SHIELD starting tonight. I may call you tomorrow to see what you thought of it. I did know that Juliette Landau was Drucilla. STARGIRL may have the best villains of any of the DC TV series.
Stay safe!
Hey George,
I finally got to watch Agents of Shield and was blown away by everything. The costumes, the guest stars, and the “new” Coulson are all really working. Loved Mae’s action at the end and can’t wait for next week’s episode. We watched the first 2 episodes of Please Feed Phil on Netflix and it was a real treat. We’re trying not to binge the whole thing, but it will be hard. I hope your meeting with Adrian went well and that it wasn’t too rainy or cold. Love WNY where we can go from 90 to 50 in two days. My head is still aching. Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,
Glenn, like you I was blown away by AGENTS OF SHIELD. Love the Depression setting and the plot!! I’m really going to miss this TV show after its Final Mission. What a great series!
I met with Adrian yesterday and he’s fine. Adrian has some golf dates so our Saturday meet time will change to accommodate his schedule. Adrian’s Big News was that the Erie County libraries will start offering limited services starting next week! I must have a dozen books on Reserve!
Stay safe!
Hey George,
Glad things went well this weekend. As always, I urge caution with things opening up because of people rushing out to do something since this all started. I’m keeping to my routines and planning my projects. Just watched Space Force on Netflix and the mixed reviews from the critics and the audience were far enough apart to make me want to check it out for myself. Steve Carell is amazingly funny as the new 4 star general appointed to “the unnamed” president pushing the program. John M. is great as his scientific counterpart. Early on, Carell’s character deals with both professional and personal problems, but neither are marginalized to become a major butt of the jokes. Funny, sad, moving, and dramatic all in neat little bundles. The story definitely builds, but my one complaint is that it ended too soon. The secondary stories blend well with the major plots and I found myself caring about what was going on in their stories. Need a light look at a ridiculous problem in the administrations’ plans? Watch Space Force. I do think the missed being too on the nose if they called it Space Farce, but again, I’m not in the biz.
Stay safe.
Glenn, SPACE FORCE got a so-so review in the Wall Street JOURNAL. I’ll see if I can talk Diane into watching it with me. I just finished reading Jim Butcher’s DEAD BEAT and started PROVEN GUILTY. I want to be up-to-date when the new Harry Dresden novel shows up. I plan to drop everything and read it. I am counting the hours until AGENTS OF SHIELD’s second episode is available to watch. It’s my favorite TV program!
Stay safe!
In my system, if the critics and the audience are close to the same rating, I usually wait for the DVD to come out on something, but if they disagree by more than 20 pts. on either side, then I take a chance. More often or not than not, I usually find something I enjoy. What I liked about it was how it made fun of the real world and extrapolated a funny, but “realistic” outcome. Not saying I’d watch 5 seasons of it, but Steve Carell was really fun to watch. As for Dresden, I’m finishing up an anthology and the Exiles Omnibus, then I’m going to reread the last 2 Dresden full novels. I’m hooked up with the Jim Butcher site for updates and specials, like short fictions, but I am waaaaay short of the super-fans I see on the site. Like my other fandoms, I enjoy knowing and participating, but dressing like and quoting in my professional life is a strict, “No thank you.” Currently, I’m watching Legend’s and loving it. Stargirl had me squeeing link a fan-boy with the possibility of next gen heroes like Wildcat. Ted Grant was one of my boyhood heroes and when R. Lee Ermey voiced him in JL Unlimited, I was re-hooked. SHIELD is going to have me biting my nails and jumping out of my seat for the season. That is what TV drama should be and what is missing in many TV shows today. “Name what reality TV shows and the number of seasons” should be a heavily weighted question on IQ tests. As we speak, I just saw the preview of Artemis Fowl and Disney might suck me in… or I’ll just buy the DVD. Who knows. Honestly, I’m waiting for Phase II to morph back into Phase I due to extreme stupidity. Holy sour mash, Batman, I need another bourbon. Back to the episode. Talk to you soon.
Stay safe,
Glenn, the prospect that STARGIRL will restore the The Justice Society dazzled me! You’re right about AGENTS OF SHIELD being tops in drama and suspense. Loved the cliffhanger ending of LEGIONS OF TOMORROW! Could be a long time before we see what happened to Captain Lance! I’ll give you a call later this week. Stay safe!
Hey George,
It’s been a hard week with the loss of Bear for me. I did finally see SHIELD and again was blown away with the production value and story craft. Why are they cancelling it again? I’m wondering what the story behind Mae is going to be and I loved the Peggy Carter throwbacks. I’m wondering if due to going forward in time when Enoch will show up again, but it depends on which version of temporal mechanics they choose to use to tell the story. Director Enoch would be a blast and I am wondering who will make the next guest of the week appearance. I am looking forward to Stargirl since they did such an wonderful job introducing Wildcat. I’ve taken a guess in an earlier post who’s next, but honestly, I am wondering what the villains are going to do next. I love the Arrow-verse last 2 minutes this week. Very ominous. Would love to see when they decide to cross over the teenverse with the old guard. That is going to be a blast. OK, I hope all is well and looking forward to speaking with you soon. Enjoy the graphic novels.
Stay safe.
Glenn, I’m enjoying AGENTS OF SHIELD as much as you are! And STARGIRL! I think Disney wants to control all the MARVEL content which is why all the MARVEL TV shows have been “cancelled.” They might just show up on DISNEY+ next year. I’m enjoying the graphic novels! Hope you’re enjoying the stuff I gave you. Stay safe!
Hi George,
Just got done with Stargirl and no spoilers, but I’m wondering if they are “Fiddling” with gender here or not. Overall, the episode has a lot of high points, but I’m getting a little tired of the “Mean Girls” with superpowers themes. Really have no clue who they will have as GL, but in the cannon, there are the son and daughter of the Golden Age GL. I hope I avoided any spoilers here and would love to hear you thoughts on SHIELD when we talk.
Stay safe.
Hey THANKS for the DVDs!!
Dan, I didn’t know if you were familiar with HAMLET 2, but as our resident Hamlet expert I figured you might enjoy it. It’s silly. And, you strike me as a GREEN HORNET kind of guy. I included MASTER & COMMANDER on a whim. It has the most graphic scenes of ship-to-ship warfare that I’ve ever seen. I love Patrick O’Brian’s novels–all 20 of them!–and if you’re into navel adventures, I highly recommend them. Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! You improve the conversation every time you comment.
Hi George,
I’ve said it since the first episode of Buffy, “G&# Dammit” Joss Whedon! I am soooo loving SHEILD that I want to start writing them to keep SHEILD on the air. The addition of time travel, which can either be a positive or wimpy way out, has definitely been a positive element to the series. For Marvel as a whole, leaps in time have been used for a lot of plot variances. but Coulson’s leap to the 70’s (Spoilers) twice, was great. As in any era, there are things that are timeless and there things that are “dated”, but the roller dude with the boombox was such a vivid memory of that time that I am glad I have no children of my own to explain that image to. Currently, I’m revisiting DS9 and am loving it. I have met most of the primary cast of the show and am loving the memories of meeting each of them. The best was Aaron Eisonberg (RIP) and the most awkward was Terry Farrell… not bad, just too starstruck to form words. Anyway, going to start a new project this week and will update you of the progress. Glad you liked the Superman books I lent you and I’m finishing up the newest Kim Harrison novel. (Really loving it). Whichever phase we are in, maybe we could meet up at Prosper for a chat soon? I’ll call you later in the week.
Stay safe,
Glenn, like you I’ve been agog at the happenings on AGENTS OF SHIELD. Love the 1970s episode complete with skater with boombox! I’m almost done with Jim Butcher’s TURNCOAT. I have July to finish the series before the new Harry Dresden novel arrives in August. Sure, we can meet just about any time you’d like. Stay safe!