I’m conflicted about Mark Levin’s Ameritopia. It analyzes Plato’s The Republic, Thomas Moore’s Utopia, and Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan with remarkable clarity. Levin thinks our 21st Century government is trying to turn the U.S. into a utopia. And Levin thinks that’s a Bad Idea. Individualism is always sacrificed by utopian movements, according to Levin. He uses the Soviet Union as an example. While I was enlightened by Levin’s writing on classics of political theory, I thought his paranoia of government power over the individual to be a bit overwrought. GRADE: B

15 thoughts on “AMERITOPIA: THE UNMAKING OF AMERICA By Mark R. Levin

  1. Dan

    Good point about the paranoia, George! Some folks insist on seeing every government attempt at helping the needy or regulating the ruthless as an attempt to control our lives. Come to think of it, I went out with a girl like that once….

  2. Patti Abbott

    Individualism is highly over-rated to me. Individualism places the good of oneself over the good of the whole. I can see that might be good when said individual is extremely creative but how often is that the case? The more we emphasize individualism, the more narcissistic and greedy we become. Kind of what got us where we are today, using 25% of the world’s resources.

    1. george Post author

      Good points, Patti! Individualism most often is propounded by the “have’s”–people who were lucky enough to win the genetic lottery.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    What I hate most about the Fox News/Tea Party/Republicans is the hypocrisy. They believe 100% in individualism and states’ right…unless, that is, it is something they disapprove of. Then they want the government to step in and ban it. They demand the right to pass all kinds of moronic (my political commentary) gun laws allowing virtually anyone to get a gun legally and carry it anywhere. Yet when states like New York have strict laws they are perfectly fine trying to force us to honor their laws and let guns in here. It’s reciprocity, don’t you know? But they don’t recognize the same sex marriage laws of New York or Iowa.

    Similarly, they deplore an “activist” Supreme Court. But has there even been a Court more willing to toss out all precedents and rule based on their own political beliefs than this one? I don’t see anyone at Fox News objecting.

    /end rant

    1. george Post author

      Exactly, Jeff. Government is bad, unless Republicans can use it to enforce their ideas. Like requiring vaginal ultrasound probes of women who want an abortion. It doesn’t matter if the woman objects, or her doctor objects, or that the insurance company won’t pay for the unnecessary procedure. Talk about Government intervention into women’s lives!

  4. Richard R.

    George, you’ve got politics on the brain lately. All these political and economic books you’re reading!

    There certainly is a trend towards “big brother-ism” when it comes to telling John Q. what to do and when to do it. Not that it’s anything new, but it seems to be the political focus of the parties, especially those Jeff talks about in his comment, and believe me, Jeff, I’m with you on that. I especially don’t like the Stand Your Ground laws, which are a license to pull the trigger at will, or the permissive gun laws. If I had my way we’d have the same handgun regulations here as are in place in the U.K. Pretty much ban the damn things. On the other hand, I say keep your hands off abortion and let the woman decide. So it’s a complicated thing, and I’m probably as guilty as anyone of having my likes and dislikes, that old “If I were Emperor, I’d…” thing.

    1. george Post author

      Several political and economic books floated to the top of my Real Real Soon stack, Richard. I’m with you on gun control and abortion rights. So far, NY State doesn’t have a “Stand Your Ground” law.

  5. Jeff Meyerson

    Nor are we likely to get one, George.

    I see George Zimmerman was indicted for Second Degree Murder of Trayvon Martin. I was very impressed with the Special Prosecutor’s presentation.

  6. Deb

    Having heard a few minutes of Mark Levin on talk radio and realizing immediately that it was a few minutes too many for me, I have no desire to read his book. As for rugged individualism, a prayer meditation I read once put it best: We only have to look at our belly buttons to know that none of us got here on our own and none of us could have made it any further through life on our own either.

    We need each other…why is that such a hard concept?

    /Dismounting soapbox now!

    1. george Post author

      Individualism is great if you’re healthy and wealthy, Deb. But we all get old and sick and need help. Too many people forget that. Your soapbox is welcome here anytime!


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