Andor is a 12 episode series that’s a prequel to the Star Wars spin-off film Rogue One (2016). This Disney+ series follows thief-turned-Rebel spy Cassian Andor during the five years leading up to the events of Rogue One.
I’ve only watched the five episodes available–a new episode is released each week. The first episode was slow. The second episode picked up some speed. Finally, things got rolling in the third episode. Basically, Andor provides the backstory to the Rebel Alliance that will topple the Empire in future Star Wars movies.
If you’re a Star Wars fan, you’ll put up with the slow start and enjoy the faster-moving events of the later episodes. If you’re not a Star Wars fan you can safely ignore this series. GRADE: Incomplete
I can safely ignore this series. Jar Jar Binks, the Ewoks, and the pitiful end of the third movie put me off this franchise. I’m sure that eventually I’ll go back and catch up on all the films and TV shows, but not today. Or tomorrow. Or…
Jerry, I much preferred THE MANDELORIAN, OBI-WAN KENOBI, and THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT to ANDOR. But…I’m still watching.
I tapped out after the second film, with the ghost of Leigh Brackett’s script. To accompany Alice, much more a fan, I went to the fourth and fifth films…she went to the sixth one with one of her med school friends, and that one put her off pretty much permanently, at least so far.
Todd, there’s a core audience for STAR WARS–both the movies and the Disney+ series. Some people just love that Universe!
Nostalgia, and apparently some improvement over the original film sequence, will out. I wasn’t too impressed with the ’77 film, thought STRIKES BACK better but not enough better. Cute robots and mystical blather that is meant to be taken seriously on face value has never been a successful strategy for me…at least as simplemidedly as presented in the first two films, much less the more ridiculous attempts at world-building in films 4 and 5.
Patton Oswalts rude jokes about the second trio of films made their points…to clumsily paraphrase: “Lucas: ‘You want to know about Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi and how they came to be? Here they are as very sad children! So you really like Angelina Jolie? Well, here’s a photo of Jon Voight’s testes! Also, five hours of discussion of trade treaties! And hilarious Jar-Jar!'”
Todd, the STAR WARS Saga has had its ups and downs. But, a loyal fan following is what Disney+ is aiming at.
I’m a fan, but have lost track of what I’ve seen. No disney plus, so will have to wait