I’m fond of these DC animated movies of Batman’s exploits. This 2-DVD set features The Joker and Harvey “Two-Face” Dent. Peter Weller, Ariel Winter, and David Selby are outstanding. Special Features include trailers to the next Batman animated film and Superman: Unbound. If you enjoy Batman’s adventures as much as I do, you’ll really enjoy this double feature! GRADE: B+ (for both)

8 thoughts on “BATMAN: THE DARK NIGHT RETURNS Part 1 & Part 2

  1. maggie mason

    While I don’t mind animation, I prefer live action. I taped the latest Batman/Superman movie, and just watched about 15 min so far (I often break movies up to segment watching, especially ones that aren’t “must see” for me.) So far, not minding Ben Affleck as Batman.

    my cable was acting up last night, so watched the new Ghostbusters (extended) and really enjoyed it.

    1. george Post author

      Maggie, I was a big comic book reader as a kid so watching animated superhero movies comes naturally to me. I like the DC animated films better than the live action ones. I have the BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN movie, but haven’t found the time to watch it. Diane and I enjoyed the new GHOSTBUSTERS remake.

  2. maggie mason

    G I just saw an interesting book on my wodehouse group Highballs for Breakfast (I’m guessing it’s a compilation)

    1. maggie mason

      that’s one I hadn’t heard of. I have my wodehouse collection together and have some real gems (an early edition of William Tell told again!!!) I’ll try to take a pix and send

      1. george Post author

        Maggie, I have many of the Penguin paperback editions of Wodehouse. I was very tempted to buy the complete Wodehouse hardcover editions by Overlook Press…but I resisted.

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