22 thoughts on “BEST COVER EVER!

    1. george Post author

      Prashant, Trump’s campaign has been dominating the U.S. media all Summer long. There have been dozens of “experts” who have declared that Trump wouldn’t run (he did), that Trump wouldn’t get into the Debate (he did), and that Trump would “self-destruct” (he hasn’t yet). Trump continues to confound everyone.

  1. Deb

    Remember that scene in “Cabaret” where the indolent German nobleman tells Michael York that “we’ll let the Nazis in and they’ll take care of the communists for us, but we’ll control the Nazis.” Then they go to an outdoor event that spontaneously erupts into a Hitler Youth Rally and Michael York turns to his companion and asks, “Do you still think you can control these people?” The GOP has been heading toward this moment ever since 1980 when Lee Atwater decided to court the evangelical right-wing in order to get Ronald Reagan elected. The chickens are coming home to roost–only now we’ll all have to pay for it!

    /Yes, I did “Godwin the thread.”

    //Dismounting soapbox now.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, the GOP and Trump are taking the country to some dark places. At the same time, the Democratic candidates seem to be in disarray. What a mess!

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    All I keep thinking of with Trump and his followers are such demagogic “candidates” from the past as Father Coughlin, Huey Long and Charles Lindbergh., also experts at using hate and fear to gain support Do you really think he will keep up interest for another 15 months? The idiotic “newsmen” they have on television who are breathlessly reading the daily polls don’t seem to get it that this is 2015 and the election is NEXT YEAR.

    I don’t know what will happen between now and November of 2016 but Trump, Walker, Cruz and the rest of the lemmings are taking the Republican Party over the cliff as far as Hispanic and Asian immigrants go and I don’t think there will be any coming back.

    But I’ve been wrong before.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Trump continues to confound his critics. He has enough money to stay in the race until the end. I think Trump may go Third Party if the Republicans “don’t treat him right.”

  3. Wolf Böhrendt

    When I saw a list of GOP candidates for POTUS early this year and looked them up I almost got a heart attack – I mean Sarah Palin etc were bad enough last time, but now?

    And just to think that one of these people might become the most powerful person next year …

    Though I’ve been to the USA so often, I’ll never understand those people.

    Of course if all were like you, George, and your readers – or those nice people I met in bars in Greenwich Village or San Francisco or Austin …

    1. Jeff Meyerson

      Wolf, they make a lot of noise but – I am hoping here, I admit – they are still not more than a very vocal minority. An awful minority, at times a scary one, but most of us aren’t quite over the edge yet.

      At least I hope not.

      1. george Post author

        Jeff, so many Americans are “low information” voters. They’re easily manipulated by political advertising. And, then there are the millions of American who don’t vote. Given those conditions, anything can happen in the Presidential Race.

    1. george Post author

      Beth, I’m glad you liked THE ECONOMIST cover as much as I did. Yes, Deb is right on the money with her political analysis. We’re in Big Trouble.

  4. Lauren W.

    I find Trump’s success scary, but am excited to see Bernie Sanders rising from a long shot contender to a real candidate. I am Feeling the Bern 🙂


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