Bond 50: The Complete 22 Film Collection [Blu-ray]

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary, for the first time, all 22 Bond movies are available on Blu-ray. Nine of the Bond movies were only available in Lo-Def DVD version before this set was released. Here are all your favorites: From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, and Casino Royale. And, all the actors who portrayed James Bond: Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig. AMAZON is offering this wonderful box set for 50% off. This set retails at $299.99, but now you have score BOND 50 for only $149.99! Quick, buy before the price goes up! Who is your favorite Bond and which is your favorite Bond movie?

18 thoughts on “Bond 50: The Complete 22 Film Collection [Blu-ray]

  1. Randy Johnson

    I still haven’t moved to Blu-ray yet as I do most of my movie viewing via my PC. Not set up for Blu-ray.

    The first Bond film I actually saw was DR. NO. Still my favorite as is Connery. After him, I would rank them in order: Dalton, Lazenby, Craig, Moore, and Brosnan. Wouldn’t buy any Brosnan Bond and likely not a Moore.

    1. george Post author

      The first Bond movie I saw was GOLDFINGER, Randy. Knocked me out! I’m with you: Connery will always be James Bond to me. But I’m warming up to Daniel Craig…

  2. Deb

    Favorite Bond: Sean Connery

    Favorite Movie: From Russia with Love–where I first learned that you drink white wine with fish.

    Favorite Villain: Actually villainess–Lotte Lenya’s Rosa Klebb in FRWL.

    Favorite Bond Girl: Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore in Goldfinger.

    Favorite Bond Theme Song: “The Living Daylights” by A-Ha.

    1. george Post author

      GOLDFINGER was placed on the Catholic Church’s banned list because of “Pussy Galore,” Deb. Shirley Bassey sings the “Theme to Goldfinger” to perfection.

  3. Patti Abbott

    You mean Sean Connery was replaced?
    He was my favorite, of course. And FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE knocked me out. Although any of the first few were terrific. I have seen nearly all of them and I like Craig second best.

  4. Dan

    I saw FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE when I was 15, on a double-bill with SHANE at the local grindhouse, and it was this pair of movies that detrmined me to seek a life of Romance and Adventure from that day forth–or at least as soon as I got out of High School.

    Years later, I watched RUSSIA/LOVE on TV with my wife, and midway through it she looked at me strangely and said, “You took this seriously.” Then, with growing disbelief, “You made important decisoions about your life after watching THIS?!?!”

  5. Todd Mason

    I would’ve snapped up this set if I was ten with the bread (or asked for it as a bday or Solstice gift). Now, not so much. Brosnan’s debut film was actually one of the better Bonds (and Famke Janssen’s presence didn’t hurt any of my feelings one scrap)…was it in fact you who noted that they tended to make the effort to introduce new Bonds well, and then tended to slack off? Certainly the introductory films up till CASINO ROYALE were better than average…the ending of CR the recent film struck me as so poorly constructed, in relation to the rest of the film (and the rest of the film not that compelling) that I can’t say I’ve made any effort to see the sequel. Gave me a slight appreciation for the rather silly previous a/vs of CASINO, the CLIMAX teleplay and the would-be comedic half-cooked stew.

    1. george Post author

      This new box set even leaves room for the new Bond movie, SKYFALL, Todd. With a movie franchise of 22 films, there are certainly going to be unevenness. But, Bond fans will buy this box set for the great Bond movies…and to satisfy the completist in all of us!

  6. Jeff Meyerson

    Craig is fine but “warm” is not an adjective I’d use in the same sentence. But then, who said James Bond should be other than cold? I thought Roger Moore was a joke, but not a funny one. I didn’t mind Brosnan. The ones that stand out in the memory after all these years are FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE for Rosa Klebb on the train, and GOLDFINGER (best theme song hands down).

    No, I won’t be buying this.

  7. Beth Fedyn

    My favorite Bond is Pierce Brosnan but one of my favorite movies is Live and Let Die. I think it was the first with Roger Moore and I enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek treatment. Sean Connery struck me as being kinda stoic. I haven’t seen the Daniel Craig movies.

    1. george Post author

      The Daniel Craig movies are done in a very different style, Beth. They’re well worth watching, but you have to be prepared for more grittiness and less dazzle.

  8. Sergio (Tipping My Fedora)

    Got this one ordered and allegedly it is on its way … My favourites are GOLDFINGER, OHMSS, GOLDENEYE and the Daniel Craig CASINO ROYALE – I think these stand up as films completely outside of the series per se. I’m also a big fan of Dalton in the role.

  9. Richard R.

    I bought the four-box set of Bond on DVD about six or seven tears ago. It doesn’t have the last few nor the Moore (thanks goodness) films, and it’s just fine for me, though of course it’s not Blu-ray.

    I think I saw From Russia with Love and Dr. No about the same time, don’t remember which I saw first. I had already read all of the books plus at least one serialized in Playboy (the one that takes place in Japan). I still prefer the books, but I really like FRWL, Dr. No, Thunderball and a few others. Connery is my preferred Bond, bond I am okay with a couple of the others too, just, please, almost anyone but Moore, and the current guy, Craig, is a reach, I think.

    1. george Post author

      The Daniel Craig Bond movies have a completely different style, Rick. It’s a departure from the suave Connery Bond for sure. But I’m warming to Craig’s interpretation.


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