Welcome to BRUNETTE WEEK! Two years ago I celebrated REDHEAD WEEK. Last year it was BLONDE WEEK. Now it’s time for brunettes!

I first discovered Lea Michele on Glee where she played the talented Rachel Berry. I loved Lea Michele’s ability to sing the various songs the producers of Glee chose for her despite the various musical genres. In Brunette Ambition (2014), Lea Michele presents a book that’s part memoir, part recipe book, part style guide, and part self-help book. Lea Michele shares her experiences from her career and tips on beauty, fashion, inner strength, and…ambition. Lea Michele also discusses her role as a the spokesperson for L’Oreal.

In Brunette Ambition, Lea Michele shares the lessons and advice that worked for her. This is the book Lea Michele wishes she had when she struggled during her teenage years and early twenties: a practical guide to setting goals and how to achieve them no matter what obstacles Life puts in your way. I enjoyed the never-before-seen photos and clever anecdotes. I even made “Italian Comfort Soup” (p. 20) using Lea Michele’s recipe. Delicious! I hope you enjoyed BRUNETTE WEEK! GRADE: A
Letter to Fans 9
Chapter 1: What Makes Me Me 11
Chapter 2: The Biz 25
Chapter 3: Self-Care 101 47
Chapter 4: For the Love of Food 63
Chapter 5: Living the Fit Life 91
Chapter 6: Everyday Style 109
Chapter 7: Red Carpet Fashion 121
Chapter 8: Hollywood Glam 135
Chapter 9: Friendship 169
Chapter 10: My Life with GLEE 187
Until the Next Time 203
Acknowledgments 205

12 thoughts on “BRUNETTE AMBITION By Lea Michele

  1. Steve Oerkfitz

    Sorry. I wouldn’t read this if it was the last book on earth. Fashion tips? Recipes? No thanks. Hated Glee. I do prefer brunettes though. Bring on some Betty Page.

  2. Deb

    There was a time when I was a brunette…later, I was a brunette with help from Miss Clairol (not L’Oreal—sorry, Lea). I look forward to your “brunette choices” this week.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    No way I would read this, but you cannot go far wrong with Brunette Week. I thought Lea Michelle was very talented on GLEE, but the single best idea the series ever had was casting Idina Menzel as her mother. Brilliant casting.

    Can’t wait to see what other brunettes will be appearing here.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, apparently Rick and Cap’n Bob think I’ve gone wrong with Brunette Week. I think Bill Crider would have loved it as he did with REDHEAD WEEK and BLONDE WEEK.

  4. Cap'n Bob

    You’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas, but I guess that happens when you blog every day!

    There’s a new scammer’s letter on my blog, BTW!


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