As a diabetic, I’m always looking for tasty, low-carb snacks. One of my recent favorites is Archer Farms Dark Chocolate Espresso Trail Mix. The mix consists of chocolate covered and praline almonds, mocha pecans, chocolate chips, hazelnuts, and chocolate-covered coffee beans. Yummy! And a quarter cup serving only has 15 grams of carbohydrates. Not bad. I’m been grabbing a handful of this wonderful trail mix between classes to perk me up (maybe it’s the chocolate-covered coffee beans!). Dark Chocolate Espresso Trail Mix is only available at TARGET stores. I’ve searched the Internet, but no one has it so TARGET must have an exclusive contract. You can check out other delicious Archer Farms goodies by clicking here. And this week, all of the Archer Farms trail mixes are on sale 2 for $8. A bargain!

16 thoughts on “DARK CHOCOLATE ESPRESSO TRAIL MIX (Archer Farms)

  1. Patti Abbott

    We, especially me, are on a diet right now that is very restrictive but does allow either a half cup of rice or a small potato every day. Other than that, it is veggies, fruit, fish and chicken and turkey. Breakfast is one boiled egg or oatmeal. Very dull eating indeed.

    1. george Post author

      Dull, but healthy, Patti. We just found out that a high school classmate was just found driving aimlessly in a Wal-Mart parking lot. A Good Samaritan called 911 and the EMTs determined that she had had a stroke. Scary…

  2. Jeff Meyerson

    A handful a day would definitely be a problem for any dieter. I give you credit if you can successfully limit your intake, George.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, whether it was my two knee replacements (much more activity now!) or my meds changing my appetite, I now am just less hungry than I used to be. A cup of Greek yogurt for breakfast generally fills me up. A couple handfuls of yummy Dark Chocolate Espresso Trail Mix holds me until lunch. Then I have a granola bar which get’s me to dinner.

  3. Deb

    I’m with Jeff. It sounds dull, but when it comes to food that I know I’d be tempted to eat compulsively (and why is that never something like broccoli or bean sprouts?), it’s better for me to skip it altogether rather than try to limit myself to a “reasonable” portion.

    1. george Post author

      Deb, in the past few years I’ve upped my consumption of walnuts, pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts. I usually buy the big bags at Sam’s Club. Maybe eating plain old nuts is affecting my appetite. All I know is that my hunger has lessened over the past couple of years.

  4. Richard R.

    So I could eat the whole bag and lose a buncha weight, right? Wait, let me re-read your remarks. Oh, no I guess not. I’m always tempted by stuff like this, but then want to have too much. When I have a yen for this kind of thing I head for Trader Joe’s.

    That diet sounds harsh, Patti, but healthy. I’m trying to just eat fruit and/or veggie stuff one meal a day, which gives me a huge break with Weight Watchers points. I’ve been plateaued for two or three weeks now and need to kick start more loss.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I’m finding more energy to work out at the pool for longer periods of time. That allows me to eat yummy stuff like Dark Chocolate Espresso Trail Mix without blowing up like a balloon.

  5. Randy Johnson

    I’m out of luck I guess. I couldn’t tell you where there is a Target store. Certainly not in my small town. Everything I saw said not sold online(I didn’t go through the whole list of course).

    1. george Post author

      Randy, I’ve signed up for an AMAZON Alert so if Dark Chocolate Espresso Trail Mix becomes available online, I’ll let you know.

    1. george Post author

      Bob, dark chocolate is supposed to be heart-healthy. But I know plenty of people–Diane is one of them–who prefer milk chocolate. Archer Farms has plenty of other trail mixes you might find more to your liking.


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