Diane and I went to see New York Times columnist David Brooks at SUNY at Buffalo’s Center for the Arts. Brooks opened The Distinguished Speak Series 16th Year of excellence. For those of you who are unfamiliar with David Brooks’ writings, here’s a recent column called “Thurston Howell Romney.” Not only is it funny, it’s also right on the money. David Brooks talked about the U.S. Presidential Campaign. He talked about both Obama and Romney who he’s known for years and has interviewed multiple times. Brooks analyzed the gridlock in Congress. And he noted that if Israel and Iran go to war, gas prices will zoom to $8 a gallon. The U.S. will be dragged into it. All in all, an evening with David Brooks entertained and enlightened us.

11 thoughts on “DAVID BROOKS

  1. Deb

    I’m sure the evening was very informative and entertaining (if that’s the right word). The Thurston Howell column was right on the money (so to speak). I never thought I’d find much common ground with people like Brooks or Peggy Noonan, but I find myself nodding as I read their recent editorials about the utter clusterf*** the Romney campaign has become.

  2. Patti Abbott

    He is a very tricky fellow. Just when I think I’ve gotten away from giving him any credence, he lures me back in with his intelligence and a left turn. And it sounds like the evening would have scared me to death.

    1. george Post author

      David Brooks cited the U.S. War College computer models for gas going to $8 a gallon if there’s a war with Iran, Patti. I found that scary. Brooks is a bright guy and very charming.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    In general, I’m with Deb and Patti: I find Brooks both too conservative and often elitist (but not in a good way). Yet, his recent columns (especially the Thurston Howell one) and his point-counterpoint in the Times with Gail Collins have humanized him somewhat.

    1. george Post author

      David Brooks will be attacked for his recent anti-Romney columns, Jeff. The Right is very unforgiving of criticism. But Brooks provides a measured and thoughtful critique of what’s happening. Peggy Noonan is doing the same thing. But they’re both going to be branded as “Traitors” by the Right and the Tea Party.

  4. RkR

    Now that I’ve been outside to adjust the arc of a sprinkler and instead broke the whole fucking thing, I’m in just the right mood to comment. Feel free to edit this if you like, George.

    I’m with Patti and Jeff. Matter of fact, I’m becoming inclined to do an ostrich and stick my head in the sane about the whole lie-filled, completely bullshit GOP campaign and the idiots who “believe” in asshole Romney and his smug Egor of a running mate. Every night on the news it’s fabrications and fantasies by Romney-Ryan. Got a cold? It’s Obama’s fault. Don’t like the weather? Obama to blame. I have never been so partisan and polarized as this year, and I said that 4 years ago! All I can do is cover my ears, sing la-la-la and vote when the time comes. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, I’ll tune out and watch football.

    If I’d gone to this event, I would have walked out and ground my teeth the rest of the night. Isn’t it about time for us NOT to become involved in some dame war or freedom effort? All they do is hate us anyway. If this were 1942 I’d be an isolationist about now.

    1. george Post author

      I’m with you, Deb, Patti, and Jeff, Rick. This whole Presidential Campaign has been a farce. Who’s talking about immigration reform? Who’s talking about our failing schools? Who’s talking about clean energy? Instead, we’re bogged down in debates about contraception and the 47% who don’t count.

    1. george Post author

      You’re welcome, Dan. David Brooks always has something interesting in his NY TIMES columns and he had plenty of thought-provoking insights during this wonderful evening.


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