District 9 features a massive starship hovering over Johannesburg. When humans enter the mothership, they find a crew of aliens (nicknamed “prawns”) malnourished and helpless. The government sets up a settlement (i.e., slum) named DISTRICT 9 for the prawns. Twenty years later, the mothership is still hovering over the city, but the prawns have become outcasts and are abused by humans. The government decides to transfer the prawns to a new settlement away from Johannesburg. And that’s when the human bureaucrat in charge of the resettlement accidentally exposes himself to an alien substance. To his horror, the bureaucrat discovers he’s slowly transforming into a prawn. And, with that mix of human and prawn DNA, the bureaucrat is now able to operate the advanced alien weapons. Governments and greedy corporations want the secrets of the alien technology and are willing to “experiment” with our poor bureaucrat (and the prawns) to gain those secrets. There’s plenty of gunplay and suspense and a few surprises. Great special effects! I really enjoyed this movie! GRADE: A-

10 thoughts on “DISTRICT 9

    1. george Post author

      David, DISTRICT 9 was a constant delight. After a dreck like TRANFORMERS 2 and G.I. JOE, a clever movie like this is refreshing. I can’t wait for the sequel!

  1. Patti Abbott

    Seeing this tonight. Won over the ones that wanted to see TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE. Hope it isn’t too depressing. That was their fear.

    1. george Post author

      The TIME TRAVELER’S WIFE has gotten bad reviews around here. You’ll find DISTRICT 9 different and possibly disturbing. But as the mother of the Queen of Noir, I’ll be interested in your thoughts after you see DISTRICT 9.

  2. Rick Robinson

    Produced by Peter Jackson, I believe, and word is he “mentored” the director as well.

    For me it will be a rental, but then almost everything is a rental (I did see UP and Star Trek in the big house this summer).

    1. george Post author

      You’re right about Peter Jackson “mentoring” the director of DISTRICT 9 (Neill Blomkamp), Rick. It seems that Blomkamp was a quick learner because this is a very accomplished rookie film.

  3. Patti Abbott

    I found in fairly enthralling until the last twenty minutes when it became too shoot em up for my tastes. The ending was perfect, if tragic, though. I’d give it a B+ for story, A for all the creativity that went into making it. As my husband said, Kafka meets ET ain’t bad. Although there were elements of other movies too. But it still managed to tell its own original story and the setting of South African added depth to it. A nice late summer surprise.

    1. george Post author

      “A nice summer surprise” sums up DISTRICT 9 well, Patti. I also like Phil’s “Kafka meets ET” line. Neill Blomkamp’s debut as a director shows that he’s a guy we need to keep our eyes on.

  4. Drongo

    According to CBS News, DISTRICT 9 made over $37 million dollars this weekend. That’s a nice piece of change.

    1. george Post author

      With little or no advertising, DISTRICT 9 managed to reach its audience, Drongo. No big names, either. DISTRICT 9 might be the sleeper of the summer.


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