35 thoughts on “ELECTION DAY 2020

  1. Prashant C. Trikannad

    George, I watch CNN mainly because that’s the only US news channel we get, aside from BBC World and a few other non-American news channels. We also have our share of Indian news channels in English and other regional languages but, obviously, they won’t be covering the US elections as much. I’m a relic when it comes to watching news the old-fashioned way.

  2. Dan

    The early-voting places here have been full to overflowing for weeks now, with lines 2 hours long. I don’t know if there’s anyone left to show up at the polls today.

    1. george Post author

      Dan, New York State polls opened at 6 A.M. and according to the local TV news footage, the lines are long. Even with Early Voting and Absentee ballots, some people decided to show up in-person on Election Day.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        We drove past the local high school on the way to (and from) Costco this morning, and the lines were much, much shorter. Of course, this was a catchment area for a lot more people during early voting than a normal day like today, but even so it was not very crowded. I’d rather spend an hour on line today than three or four hours that some of the early voting places had last week.

    2. Rick Robinson

      From what I’ve read, about 60% of voters are choosing to vote in person today, so with the paucity of polling places, which should be criminal, lines will be long. Thank goodness I live in a mail-in state.

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    If anything proved that mail-in voting was the way to go, it should have been this year. The combination of that and the coronavirus – plus Trump, of course – will probably push turnout to a much higher level than we have had in decades, if not ever.

    Let’s face it, the only way Trump and his minions can win now it to cheat or steal the election – stop counting, disallow ballots, etc. For all the talk about swing states, he needs to win almost ALL of them to get close to 270. If you see that Biden has won Florida or Ohio or Texas or North Carolina, Trump can start packing his bags. Check flights to places that have no extradition treaty with the U.S.

    As I’ve been saying for five years, The Emperor’s New Clothes. He’s naked, folks.

    1. george Post author

      Jeff, Trump advised his followers to show up in-person on Election Day. The weather here is cool–40s–but it’s sunny and dry. Turnout in Western NY should be high.

  4. Michael Padgett

    Hard to believe this election is still going on when I voted a month ago. It’s going to be a nervous day, and I’d advise staying away from the television at least until the polls close in the east at 7:00 tonight. Rest up, take a long nap. It could be an all-nighter.

    1. george Post author

      Michael, I’m hoping the Election is called within the next 24 hours. The longer we go without a call from the Associated Press, the more mischief Trump and his minions can cause.

    2. maggie mason

      That’s my plan. I’m ignoring the tv until probably 8pm. They’ve said that around 730pm they will release results of the early voting with updates every 15-20 min.

      Several days ago they said that over 1 million californians had voted, and the number was climbing.

      I dropped by ballot at the Old Globe theater in Balboa Park on the 12th, and 4 days letter got an email confirming it was received. Most of the libraries have ballot drop offs, and the ones I spoke to said it was steady.

      One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was drop off the ballot of my right wing aunt, who I’ve been helping. I knew I was going to have to do it, and lost sleep over it the night before. It hurt my soul to drop that ballot in the box.

  5. Rick Robinson

    I made my comments throughout the comments, but here I’ll say I’m very hopeful but slightly nervous. We haven’t decided which news feed (TV) to watch, but it may be PBS just because there will be no ads. It sure as hell won’t be Fox! Of course Trump will declare the whole election rigged and invalid due to his own paranoia and desire to stay in office at all costs. I’m afraid it’s going to be a mess for days, or longer.

    1. george Post author

      Rick, I agree with your analysis. Trump won’t capitulate without a lot of legal shenanigans, Fox News disinformation, and lying. And don’t forget the Russians will be up to their old Internet tricks. THE ECONOMIST says Biden has a 92% chance of winning the Presidency.

      1. Jeff Meyerson

        From what I’ve heard, so far there is no evidence of Russia, China, or Iran being able to hack into any state’s system. 538 had a 90% chance of Biden winning a couple of days ago, and I think it might be higher now. His current map gives him over the 270 he needs, and if you include the states with a 65% or greater chance of him winning them, it is 319. We’ll see.

        Trump doesn’t have to concede or agree to anything. If he loses, he loses. Period.

  6. wolf

    Again, best wishes!
    Here in Europe we’re also waiting …
    Someone just liked again to the story of Trump’s grandfather in Germany, he was not allowed back in Bavaria – have you heard about this?
    Even the conservative newspaper FAZ found that almost no European government “likes” Trump and the people abhor him with exception of a few extreme right wingers like that English guy Farage.
    Tomorrow morning (just around or after midnight your time zones …) I’ll have a strong coffee first …

  7. wolf

    Still open it seems …
    Found this funny:
    Trump’s fighting against Byedon – would be really nice if Byedon wins.
    I’m on a German site for expats and holidaymakers and already some are thinking about alternate holiday destinations. Some even fear that Trump would make it more difficult for EU tourists, if he gets reelected.

      1. Todd Mason

        He’s definitely going to Trump up as much vicious tantrumming as he can. Such as the opening of the Alaskan national forest day before Election Day, as both tantrum in advance and sop to his sponsors.

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