22 thoughts on “ELECTION DAY 2024

  1. wolf

    Here in Europe now we are of course following the US election circus and most people now expect a Trumpistan for the next 4 years – or maybe less. Vance time looks even more horrible!
    Theree is not much hope I’m kind of happy that this whole thing doesn’t touch me too much anymore. At 81 years politics is no longer that interesting.
    I feel really happy that after my many USA trips I had the chance to take my new love (we were both already over 60 years …) to some interesting place around 15 years agos:
    NYC and Niagara Falls,
    SF, Death Valley, Vegas and the South West.
    Nashville (family visit), Charleston, Savannah and down to the Space Center.
    Nobody, not even Trump, can take these fond memories away from us!

    1. george Post author

      Wolf, everyone here is sitting on the edge of their seats watching Democracy in action. But, will it be for the last time in America?

    2. Todd Mason

      There really isn’t a good reason, except for fear of horrible disappointment, to assume Drumpf will win. It’s a lock he will whine and try to stir up violence when he likely loses…as he, in terms of actual votes, he always does.

      His people are increasingly desperate. Notable that his campaign’s western Penna field marshal is an actual Nazi.


    1. george Post author

      Jerry, I’m playing Carly Simon’s “Anticipation.” Diane and I are hoping for a Kamala win, but there might be some violence that goes along with it.

  2. Deb

    I have no doubt Kamala will win the vote. And I have equally no doubt that Trump and his band of enablers, sycophants, and legal toadies will attempt every trick in the book to flood the system with misinformation, warrantless legal maneuvers, and threats of violence every step of the way. I loathe this timeline!

      1. Deb

        Trump couldn’t be gracious about anything even if it was dipped in 18-karat gold and presented with a lifetime supply of McDonalds cheeseburgers.

      2. george Post author

        Deb, Trump told the audience at one of his recent rallies that he should have NEVER left the White House! If he gets in this time, Trump will never leave!

  3. Jeff Meyerson

    After Election Day 8 years ago, I will not count my chickens, but I expect him to lose. Otherwise, as Bill Crider so often said, we’re doomed, doomed.

    In anticipation, however, Jackie bought herself a new refrigerator today, to be delivered tomorrow.

    Gotta keep stimulating the economy, right, George?

  4. Patricia Abbott

    Jeff, do you buy your own appliances for a rental? Or maybe it is a condo?
    I can’t watch a minute of the returns. A replay of 2016 would kill me.
    Just back from DC where stores were boarding up. I guess they think if his thugs can’t storm government buildings, they will wreak havoc where they can.

  5. wolf

    It doesn’t look good …
    Putin’s honchos have already been drinking lots of Vodka and Krim champagne.
    Now we’ll really be living in interesting times.
    The Chinese rulers must also be happy – but maybe not if Trump really raises taxes for foreign products?


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